
ダウンロード可能!英語 リスニング 問題 中級2 わかりやすい解説付き!





  1. What is the main topic of the discussion?

    a) Indoor activities during winter
    b) Outdoor adventure sports
    c) The speaker's favorite movies
    d) Cooking tips and recipes

  2. Why does the speaker mention the benefits of getting outdoors and staying active?

    a) To discuss the best indoor workouts
    b) To promote a new TV show
    c) To emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle
    d) To share personal experiences with cooking

  3. What will the speaker discuss regarding rock climbing?

    a) The history of indoor climbing gyms
    b) How to cook a delicious meal while camping
    c) The physical and mental challenges of rock climbing
    d) The speaker's favorite travel destinations

スクリプト:Hey there, folks! Thanks for joining me today. We're going to chat about an exciting topic – outdoor adventure sports. I'll share some of my experiences and the benefits of getting outdoors and staying active. Let's dive into the world of rock climbing and how it can be an exhilarating way to challenge yourself physically and mentally.


  1. 質問: What is the main topic of the discussion?
    答え: b) Outdoor adventure sports
    日本語訳: 議論の主題は何ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "We're going to chat about an exciting topic – outdoor adventure sports." と述べられています。

  2. 質問: Why does the speaker mention the benefits of getting outdoors and staying active?
    答え: c) To emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle
    日本語訳: スピーカーはなぜ屋外で活動し、アクティブな生活をする利点に言及しますか?
    説明: 台本中で "I'll share some of my experiences and the benefits of getting outdoors and staying active." と述べられています。

  3. 質問: What will the speaker discuss regarding rock climbing?
    答え: c) The physical and mental challenges of rock climbing
    日本語訳: スピーカーはロッククライミングに関して何を議論しますか?
    説明: 台本中で "Let's dive into the world of rock climbing and how it can be an exhilarating way to challenge yourself physically and mentally." と述べられています。


  1. What is the main topic of the discussion?

    a) Space exploration
    b) Oceanography
    c) The speaker's favorite books
    d) Cooking techniques

  2. Why does the speaker mention the history of space travel?

    a) To discuss the history of cooking
    b) To promote a new movie
    c) To share personal experiences with travel
    d) To provide context for the topic of space exploration

  3. What will the speaker discuss regarding the recent Mars mission?

    a) The history of the Mars mission
    b) The challenges of cooking in space
    c) How the mission is expanding our understanding of Mars
    d) The speaker's favorite vacation destinations

スクリプト:Hey, everyone. Thanks for tuning in. Today, we're going to explore a fascinating subject – space exploration. I'll take you on a brief journey through the history of space travel and the remarkable achievements of human spaceflight. Now, let's zoom in on the recent Mars mission and how it's expanding our understanding of the Red Planet.


  1. 質問: What is the main topic of the discussion?
    答え: a) Space exploration
    日本語訳: 議論の主題は何ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "Today, we're going to explore a fascinating subject – space exploration." と述べられています。

  2. 質問: Why does the speaker mention the history of space travel?
    答え: d) To provide context for the topic of space exploration
    日本語訳: スピーカーはなぜ宇宙旅行の歴史に言及しますか?
    説明: 台本中で "I'll take you on a brief journey through the history of space travel and the remarkable achievements of human spaceflight." と述べられています。

  3. 質問: What will the speaker discuss regarding the recent Mars mission?
    答え: c) How the mission is expanding our understanding of Mars
    日本語訳: スピーカーは最近の火星ミッションに関して何を議論しますか?
    説明: 台本中で "Now, let's zoom in on the recent Mars mission and how it's expanding our understanding of the Red Planet." と述べられています。


  1. What is the main topic of the discussion?

    a) Home gardening
    b) Healthy eating and nutrition
    c) The speaker's favorite movies
    d) Travel destinations

  2. Why does the speaker mention the importance of making nutritious choices?

    a) To discuss the latest fashion trends
    b) To promote a new exercise routine
    c) To emphasize the importance of a balanced diet
    d) To share personal experiences with cooking

  3. What will the speaker discuss regarding fruits and vegetables?

    a) How to prepare gourmet meals
    b) The benefits of incorporating them into daily meals
    c) The history of farming
    d) The speaker's favorite hobbies

スクリプト:Hey, everybody! Thanks for being here today. We're going to dive into the world of healthy eating and nutrition. I'll share some tips on how to make nutritious choices and maintain a balanced diet. Now, let's focus on the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your daily meals.







