











  1. スクリプト分析: セラピストは、しばしば幼少期体験や親からのメッセージを探ることで、クライアントが自分のライフスクリプトを発見するのを助けます。

  2. スクリプト認識: クライアントは、自分のスクリプトとその決定や行動への影響を認識する手助けを受けます。

  3. スクリプト変更: セラピストは、クライアントが新しい決定を下したり古い信念に挑戦したりすることにより、スクリプトを変更するのをサポートします。




  1. 交流分析 (TA): ライフスクリプトが位置づけられている心理学的理論です。TAは、社会的交流に注目してエゴ状態を決定し、ライフスクリプトを明らかにします。

  2. 再決定療法: 幼少期に下された役に立たない決定に代わる新しい決定を下すようクライアントをサポートする心理療法の一形態で、それによってライフスクリプトを変えます。

  3. 認知行動療法 (CBT): ライフスクリプトとは直接関係ありませんが、CBTも人生脚本の一部と見なされる場合がある、役に立たない思考パターンを変えることに取り組んでいます。


  1. エリック・バーン: ライフスクリプトの概念を導入し、それらの心理療法における重要性を確立した人物です。

  2. クロード・シュタイナー: ライフスクリプトの概念をさらに発展させ、セラピーにおけるそれらの役割を強調しました。






  1. 「エリック・バーン: その生涯と心理療法への貢献」

  2. 「クロード・シュタイナーとライフスクリプトに関する彼の研究」

  3. 「再決定療法の徹底分析」

  4. 「ライフスクリプトと認知行動療法の統合」

  5. 「グループ療法とライフスクリプトの役割」


The Role of Life Scripts in Psychotherapy


Life scripts form a significant part of psychotherapy, particularly within the framework of Transactional Analysis. They provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's behavioral patterns, relationships, and decisions. By exploring a person's life script, a therapist can help uncover unconscious motivations and decisions, enabling a person to make positive changes.

Definition and Description

In psychotherapy, a life script is seen as an unconscious life plan, formed in early childhood, which dictates an individual's decisions and behaviors. It is often based on interpretations of parental messages and early experiences. Scripts can limit a person's potential and lead to self-defeating behaviors, making them a crucial aspect to address in therapy.


The concept of life scripts was first introduced by Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analysis. Later, psychotherapists like Claude Steiner expanded on this concept, establishing the importance of understanding and changing life scripts in psychotherapy.

Concepts and Principles

Life scripts in psychotherapy are addressed through several key steps:

  1. Script Analysis: The therapist helps the client uncover their life script, often through exploring childhood experiences and parental messages.

  2. Script Awareness: The client is helped to become aware of their script and how it affects their decisions and behaviors.

  3. Script Change: The therapist supports the client to make changes to their script, often through making new decisions and challenging old beliefs.

Significance and Applications

Understanding and changing life scripts is central to many forms of psychotherapy. It can help individuals break free from self-defeating patterns, improve their relationships, and realize their potential. Life script work is also important in group therapy and couples counseling.

Related Topics with Explanitions

  1. Transactional Analysis (TA): The psychological theory within which life scripts are situated. TA focuses on social transactions to determine ego states and uncover life scripts.

  2. Re-decision Therapy: A form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping clients make new decisions to replace unhelpful ones made in childhood, thereby changing their life script.

  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): While not directly related to life scripts, CBT also deals with changing unhelpful thought patterns, which can be seen as a part of one's life script.

Key Figures or Contributors

  1. Eric Berne: Introduced the concept of life scripts and established their significance in psychotherapy.

  2. Claude Steiner: Further developed the concept of life scripts and emphasized their role in therapy.

Current Status and Future Directions

Life scripts continue to play a crucial role in psychotherapy, particularly within Transactional Analysis. Future research may focus on developing more effective techniques for script analysis and change, and on further integrating life script work with other therapeutic approaches.


The role of life scripts in psychotherapy is manifold, helping individuals understand their unconscious motivations, break free from self-defeating patterns, and realize their potential. As we continue to refine our approaches to script analysis and change, the impact of this concept on psychotherapy is likely to increase.

Suggested topics for the next generation:

  1. "Eric Berne: His life and contributions to psychotherapy"

  2. "Claude Steiner and his work on life scripts"

  3. "An in-depth look at Re-decision Therapy"

  4. "The integration of life scripts and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy"

  5. "Group therapy and the role of life scripts"

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