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I kept calling and calling until the person I was talking to broke his phone.

As I have written in the past, I have asked so many people to help me.
In particular, I asked a lot of people to talk to me during a time when I would get anxious if I didn't talk to someone.

At first I called my older brother who was self-employed. As the frequency of my calls to him increased, his cell phone battery drained and eventually broke. I was angry with him, saying that the pictures of his precious children had disappeared.

My brother gradually stopped answering my calls and I started calling different people, looking for someone who would listen to me.

Most of what they say on the phone is "I want to die. How can I die easily?" "Please kill me," and so on. I think the person I was talking to didn't want to listen to me talk like this all the time.

Each person I talked to on the phone reacted differently to me talking about these terrible things all the time.

I have called many people. I would like to write down the words that were painful to be said and the words that helped me.

Words that were painful for me to hear from someone and attitudes that were painful for someone to do to me.

The people I am going to introduce are people I have loved and want to maintain a relationship with. They are all important people who have shed many tears for me.

In writing this article, I have been honest with someone, discussed it with them, and they understood that I would write about it. Thank you.

(1) I am forbidden to say the words I want to say.

The hardest thing for me in particular was that I was forbidden to say what I wanted to say.

For example, sometimes I would call someone and say, "I want to die," and they would say, "Don't say it. If you say it, I will hang up the phone" and they denied it.

This was really hard for me.

As I have mentioned before, I used to say "I want to die" as often as I breathed. People who care about me do not want to hear such words. So they strongly told me, "Don't say that again".

I do not want to hang up the phone. But the only word I could say was "I want to die". My head was in turmoil and that was the peak of my vexation.

When I looked into that person, I found that he was the type of person who empathizes too much with the other person's feelings. I assimilate myself into the other person. So when the other person has a hard time, that person also has a hard time. I don't mean to blame that person, but it was hard for me too.

When I examine the person, I find that he/she is the type of person who is overly sympathetic to the other person's feelings. He easily assimilates with the other person. So when the other person is having a hard time, it makes it hard for him too. I don't mean to blame him, but it was hard for me too.

If you have a hard time assimilating the other person's feelings, I would like you to read "Separating yourself from the depressed person" that I will write later.

(2) Laughing at people's desire to kill themselves.

What I was specifically told is that if you feel like saying "I want to die," why don't you change the words and say "Let's s..."? This is a suggestion.

One of my friends came all the way to my house and we were talking in the park. When I repeatedly said, "I want to die," my friend suggested that I use a different word because it would not be good if people around me heard it.

This may have been a consideration to avoid damaging the atmosphere around me. I used to joke around a lot. Maybe my friend could not accept my current situation like that.

I understand how he/she felt, but I was seriously in pain and wanted to die at that time. I felt indignant because he did not understand my feelings and I felt as if he was laughing at me.

I could understand their feelings, though, because we were old friends, even though I felt resentful.

(3)Hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

If you hear someone repeatedly say, "I want to die," you might hang up on them. But this was simply shocking to me.

I think it was a result of the strong stress I put on the person I was talking to. It was not their fault and I now feel that I am truly sorry.

If someone is suffering, let them say what they want to say.

I think the common thing from (1) to (3) is that it was hard for me not to be allowed to say what I wanted to say.

If there are people around you who are suffering mentally, I hope you will listen to what he or she has to say without denying it.

In the next article, I will write about words that helped me.

(Translator : Masanori Ando

