
低カロリー食とともに低・中・高の身体活動を実施した場合の身体組成変化:無作為化比較試験 Paper.5

Changes in body composition with a hypocaloric diet combined with sedentary, moderate and high-intense physical activity: a randomized controlled trial.

BMC Womens Health. 2019 Dec 27;19(1):167. doi: 10.1186/s12905-019-0864-5.

【著者】A Hernández-Reyes氏、R Moreno-Rojas氏ら

One hundred and seventeen healthy female volunteers were randomly assigned to one of the experimental groups: a control group with a low-level prescription of physical activity (1-4 METs), moderate physical activity group that performed 10.000 steps walking (5-8 METs) and intense physical activity group that trained exercises by at least 70% of VO2max three times a week (> 8 METs). All subjects followed a hypocaloric diet designed with a reduction of 500 kcal/day. Nutritional counseling was provided throughout the study period to help ensure dietary adherence.

During a period of 24 weeks, all the patients followed a diet with the following distribution of macronutrients: 25–30% proteins, 40–45% carbohydrates, and 30–35% fat. The moderated-fat restricted-calorie Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables and low in red meat, with poultry and fish replacing beef and lamb, with a goal of no more than 35% of calories from fat. This diet is based on the recommendations of Willett and Skerrett. The diet was hypocaloric with a reduction of 500 kcal/day during the treatment period to achieve a weekly weight loss of 400 g, an amount that is a safe, achievable, and clinically meaningful goal for weekly weight loss.

A diminution in weight of the BMI (p < 0.001), in the %BF, and an increase in the %W (p < 0.001) were observed. However, although the MM exhibited a significant drop between the first moment and at 3 months (p < 0.001), there were no differences (p > 0.05) between those found in the controls at 3 and 6 months.

These findings indicate that a hypocaloric diet, without prescription of physical activity, is adequate to lose weight in the short term (12 weeks), but physical activity is vital to modify the body composition in women with obesity. Body fat was lower when women practiced a moderate exercise compared to hypocaloric diet only, but an intense physical activity was the most effective protocol to obtain a reduction of body fat and maintain muscle mass.

身体活動①低身体活動グループ(1-4 MET)、②1万歩/日の歩行を行った中身体活動グループ(5- 8 MET)、③週に3回VO2max 70%のトレーニングを行った高身体活動グループ(> 8 MET)。全グループの食事は、身長と体重から算出された理想の食事エネルギー量から -500 kcal 削減した低カロリー食を提供。食事管理の遵守を確実にするために、研究期間中は栄養カウンセリングを提供して行った。

食事内容の概要:食事エネルギー比で、たんぱく質25〜30%、炭水化物40〜45%、脂質30〜35%。野菜が豊富で肉類が少なく鶏肉や魚類を中心に指導。1日あたり500 kcalの食事エネルギー制限で、毎週400 gの体重減少を目安。






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