
Welcome to Teachers College -全米最古の教育大学院-

This time let me introduce Teachers College where I take most of the courses this semester! (sorry for not updating frequently... although I have many blog posts in my mind, the time is finite.)


書きたいブログが沢山あるのですが時間は有限・・・ということで今回は、私が今学期ほとんどの授業を履修しているTeachers College(TC)について紹介します^^

(私の学校SIPAの紹介はコチラ↓ Introduction of my school SIPA below)

(前学期通っていたロースクールはコチラ↓ Introduction of Law School)

1. Teachers College(TC)とは?

TCはコロンビアの正門(116st&Broadyway)からちょっと北にいった120st bet Broadway and Amsterdamに位置しています。
1887年にできた全米で最古最大の教育大学院で、教育哲学のJohn Dewey等有名な教授が現在に至るまで名を連ねます。

TC is located at 120st bet Broadway and Amsterdam, to the north of Columbia main gate. Established in 1887, TC is the oldest and largest graduate school of education in the U.S. The arguably most famous professor is John Dewey. TC has been ranked the best many times among American universities.

2. ColumbiaではなくTC!?


"I'm a TC student."



Right past the entrance. I at first thought it weired that when TC students introduce themselves, they say "I'm a TC student" and don't mention "Clolumbia." But this is because TC has a separate corporate entity from Columbia, thus deciding on faculty salary and working conditions on its own. Although graduates are awarded a Columbia degree, this sense of independence comes from a long history as I understand it.


3. Starbucks目的で寄る人も…


There is a Starbucks right near the entrace. Although there is a guard at the entrace, you can enter the building if you say "I'm going to the Starbucks."

4. Russel Hall(図書館)

さらに進んでいくとRussel Hallという図書館のある建物

Going further, you can see the Russel Hall where the library is located. This pic below is taken at the 3rd floor, where I can concentrate on studying thanks to the solemn, quiet atmosphere.

TC Library

5. 独特のStudent Demographics

どんな学生がいるんだろう?ということでstudent demographicsを見てみると面白いことが色々分かります。

後はInternational studentで見るとアジア系が大多数を占めます。

Statistics about student demographics show an interesting pictures; almost 75% of the students are female, and 70% are part-time. The latter comes from the fact that many students are teachers and administrators. Therefore, most of the classes do not start until 5pm, and there are few morning courses.

Among international students, Asians are the majority: mostly Chinese. As far as I know there are 10-20 Japanese students here, but the proportion to the total enrollment is smaller than that of SIPA.

6. Grace Dodge Hall

こちらは私が先学期School Changeの授業を受けていたGrace Dodge Hall
Grade Dodgeは実はTCの基となるKitchen Education Associationを創設した慈善家です。こんな感じでそれぞれの建物にTCにゆかりのある人の名前がついているので、調べてみると面白いかも?

Each building has its own name, and you will surely be lost when you first enter the building. This building below is Grace Dodge Hall where I took the School Change course last semester. It is named after the philanthropist who founded the Kitchen Education Association that became TC afterwards. You can search the origin of other buildings as well!

Grace DodgeHall

7. Dining Hall

そこから地下にいくとDining Hallがあり、昼間は学生たちで賑わっています。昨年通っていたIlinkの英会話もここで毎週やっていました^-^

In the basement, there is a dining hall where I had Ilink conversation classes last year.

Dining Hall

8. 単なる教員養成校ではない? ~組織開発・人材育成にも力~

最後に忘れてはいけないのが、教育大学院という名前を聞くと教員育成の学校なんでしょ?と思いがちですが、そうではないということです。Organizational learing and leadership等に力を入れていることもあって、企業の人事担当者やリーダーシップ・マネジメント系に関心のある学生も多数います。


Last but not least, unlike its name TC is not just a school to develop future teachers. With its focus on organizational learning and leadership, many students have backgrounds in HR, leadership or management. This cohort of students interested in human development forms the diversity of TC I believe.


Let's call it a day - please look forward to the coming post on my classes this semester!!





