
Welcome to Columbia SIPA -コロンビア大学公共政策大学院へようこそ!-

Today I'm gonna introduce my school SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs) with some pictures!!



1. 外観

SIPAは118stとAmsterdam Aveにあります。

SIPA is located in 118st and Amsterdam Avenue. There are two entrances (at 4th floor and 6th floor), and this picture is the latter.

View from outside

2. 沿革


プログラムの構成ですが、大きく分けるとMIA(Master of International Affairs)とMPA(Master of Public Administration)があり、私は後者を取得中です。

SIPA was establisehd in 1946 (right after World War 2), when attention started to be paid to negative aspects of public policies implemented by government. There are mainly two type of degree; MIA (Master of International Affairs) and MPA (Master of Public Administration), which I'm earning now.



3. 所属学生

学生の構成ですが、この国旗から見ても分かるように多様性の一言につきます。私の所属しているMPAだと約480人が所属、うち72%がInternational studentで44の国から来ています。ニューヨークという立地と、スクールのサイズの大きさがこれを可能にしていると言えるでしょう。

Diversity is the keyword of SIPA, as in my program MPA the are roughly 480 students, 72% of which international, coming from 44 countries, thanks to the location in NYC and huge school size.


View at the lobby

4. 施設


At the lobby (4th floor). You can see few people because this is 5pm, but especially in the early afternoon this place is filled with students passing by, sometimes I end up talking with classmates without realizing that classes are already starting.

View at the lobby②


At the 6th floor. Everyone is busy with printing reading materials or writing emails.

PC Area


The cafe Publique at the 6th floor, where I basically use the microwave every day. Some are engaged in group project discussions.


5. 図書館

実は学校にいる時間の半分以上は授業時間ではなく予習復習です。それをするのが、地下の3階にあるLehman Library


More than half of the time in school is actually spent on assignments etc (other than lectures themselves), at the Lehman Library (3rd floor) in my case. Some people have a vague desire to study abroad, but they should be mindful that workload is more demanding than you imagine. Data shows that about 60% of Japanese college students study less than 5 hours per week, whereas American ones do more than 11 hours. But in my view 11 hours is too short; I on average study 40 to 50 hours per week, including classes.


Lehman Library



One floor below, where there are individual boothes.

Lehman Library②

6. 河野大臣がコロンビアに!?


The other day I attended the dialogue with Foreign Ministor Taro Kono at Columbia. You can see the script from this website below. Aside from substantive remarks on North Korea and other issues, he entertained the audience by introducing his unique episode of previously getting an offer from Columbia but never attended.


Then-Foreign Minister Taro Kono


I heard from one of my friend that Kono could perform his duty even without an interpretor, which is rare as the Forein Ministor. His presentation and Q&A was fraught with improvised jokes and concrete comments, and so inspiring as a global Japanese!!

さて今日はこのくらいで。追ってTeachers CollegeやLaw Schoolの写真なども投稿したいと思います!

That's it for today. I'll introduce Teachers College and Law School buildings with many pictures soon!


