
About Columbia SIPA (past halfway) -多様性・柔軟性・オリジナリティという強み-

My thoughts on the first year at Columbia SIPA, in comparison with what I thought last year!
今回は、Columbia SIPAの1年目を終えて今感じていることを、1年前の投稿と比較しながら振り返りたいと思います!

(昨年の投稿がコチラ My post last year)

①学生の多様性 Diversity



(note on SIPA summer school)

むしろ、genderやchild welfare, economyに興味があり、そこから教育についても考えるようになった、という人と多く出会いました。


(previous post on SIPA Japan Trip)

This is not only diversity in terms of nationality, but also in terms of background. Most of the people I met through my job tend to place education in the center of the world and then connect other policy areas to it. However, such a way of thinking is quite rare at SIPA.

Rather, many classmates are interested in gender, child welfare or economy, and then start to look at education as one of the policy arenas. They don't seek solutions only in the world of education, so have a broader perspectives. That is something I lacked so I learned a lot from them.

②2年プログラムの柔軟性 Flexibility





(Internship at Harlem Link Charter School)

(Internship at Newark Trust for Education)

Initially I thought that earning two one-year degrees might be a better choice than earning one two-year degree. This is because the former enables you to cut unnecessary course and jump to what you really want to learn. (However, my situation of coming here with a family made me decide on the latter, as I didn't want to change residency again).

But after finishing my first year, I found myself taking many interesting courses especially in spring. I have only one core course left, so my second year will be full of options!

Moreover, I can spend almost two-thirds of the summer break on having two internships, which I could not have been able to do if I had taken the former option (as it would require me to prepare for relocation).

③自分だけのカリキュラムを作れるオリジナリティ Originality


1つずつ説明すると、Core Curriculumという必修科目は全部で7~9科目ありますが、ある程度は1年目と2年目に散りばめて受けることができます。(1年目に取らなければいけない科目もありますが、交渉可能のようです。)

ConcentrationとSpecializationですが、私のUrban and Social Policy(USP、計5科目)とManagement(計3科目)はかなり柔軟性があり、USPのコア科目以外は他学部で取ったものも教授の了解を取れば換算できるなどかなり柔軟です。


2016年秋学期 計13単位 うち統計3単位 
2017年春学期 計16.5単位 うち統計3単位 教育6単位
2017年秋学期 計16単位 うち教育16単位(予定)
2018年春学期 計15単位 うち教育12単位(予定)


(Reflection on Fall 2016)

(Reflection on Spring 2017)

As you can see from the website above, there are seven to nine core curriculum in my program (MPA), but you can choose in which semester to take these courses. (Some courses have to be taken during the first year, but negotiable.)

With respect to my Concentration (USP) and Specialization (Management), USP is fairly flexible as it can count other school's courses (if you get permission from the director) as a fulfillment, with the exception of USP Core course. Management is almost free choice. Therefore, my course plan will look like this.

Fall 2016 13 credits (Stat: 3 credits)
Spring 2017 16.5 credits (Stat: 3 credits, Ed: 6 credits)
Fall 2017 16 credits (Ed: 16 credits)
Spring 2018 15 credits (Ed: 12 credits)

So actually Statistics and Education, which are my focus, courses will account for two-thirds (40 out of 60.5 credits)! And the remaining courses include urban policy and management, so also relevant to my purpose of studying here. This is more satisfactory than I anticipated one year ago.

④まとめ Summary

・・・ということで、1年間を振り返ると、Diversity, Flexibility, OriginalityというSIPAの良いところが色々見えてきたのでした。


So after reflection, I found three advantages of SIPA, Diversity, Flexibility and Originality! I'll talk about my thoughts on how the second year will look like in the coming post.

(note on why public policy?)


