
一流の雑談前の準備とは!?-What is the best preparation before small talk?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced you to the topic of first-rate chatting when you have no topics to talk about. I said that the first-rate chatting is found in "what you do every day." If you are interested, please check out that article as well. And this time, I will introduce some excerpts from "First-rate, second-rate, and third-rate chatting" regarding the contents of the title.


"Third-rate people don't prepare anything, second-rate people prepare small talk topics, and first-rate people prepare "facial expressions" that make the other person feel comfortable talking. When you meet someone, what do you look at the most? It's definitely the facial expression. People look at facial expressions and instantly judge whether "this person seems easy to talk to" or "this person seems difficult to talk to."


"No matter how many things you have to talk about, if you close the other person's heart, the conversation won't continue. People who have a lot of experience and have trained themselves are always exploring, "What kind of facial expression do the other person want to see?" A first-class skill is to sharpen your awareness of facial expressions and express the feeling of "I'm happy to meet you!" with just your facial expressions."


What did you all think? Facial expressions are important when talking to others. Especially when meeting someone for the first time, if you frown, it can be a little hard to approach them. This can be easily changed by being conscious of it. If you are not good at smiling, it might be a good idea to practice in front of the mirror. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


