
男女が分かり合えない理由〜その4〜Why men and women can't understand each other ~Part 4~

-A man who rushes to conclusions, a woman who values the process-


In the previous article, I introduced the third reason why it is said that men and women do not understand each other. The fact that men's brains are logical and women's brains are emotional has a lot to do with it. If you are interested, please check those articles as well. This time, I would like to introduce the fourth reason, an excerpt from "Men's and Women's Brain Strategy".


“One of the reasons for this inability to understand each other is the difference in the way thoughts spread between male and female brains. It is said that women's brains in particular tend to expand their thoughts, and they tend to link what is happening in front of them to the past and future. The male brain is the opposite, the only thing that matters most is what's happening right in front of you. They're not good at finding connections between the past and the future. ”


“So when a person with a male brain apologizes to a person with a female brain, it is no good just to apologize for the current fight. I might be bothering you, and I think it's really bad—preemptively apologizing in this way increases the likelihood that the female brain will make concessions.”


How was everyone? Did you have any thoughts? Men like to jump to conclusions, women value process. You may be able to change your future remarks and actions just by knowing this. I hope that this article will be of some help to you. Next time will be the last of the series where men and women can't understand each other. See you soon. thank you very much.







