
男女が分かり合えない理由〜その3〜Why men and women can't understand each other ~Part 3~

-Logical men and Emotional women-


In the previous article, I introduced the second reason why it is said that men and women do not understand each other. The male brain is monotasking, whereas the female brain is multitasking. If you are interested, please check those articles as well. This time, I would like to introduce the third reason, an excerpt from "Men's and Women's Brain Strategy".


”It means that the male brain is logical and the female brain is emotional. The male brain thinks things logically and systematically. So I try to do exactly what I am told. But the female brain emphasizes the "feelings" behind the words. It means that there are unspoken words before and after the remarks that women make.”


"However, many men's thoughts do not reach the level of their emotions. If you ask the male brain, ``If you don't tell me, I won't understand.'' I am thinking. A man who doesn't understand without being told, a woman who wants to be understood without being told. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings between men and women regardless of the times are born like this every day. "


How was everyone? Did you have any idea? People with a male brain may be able to understand the feelings of the other person, and people with a female brain may improve their relationship by communicating as much as possible. I hope this article will be of some help to you. Next time, I will introduce the fourth reason why it is said that men and women cannot understand each other. See you soon. thank you very much.


