
一流営業マンが関係作りで送るものとは!?-What do top salesmen send to build relationships?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the first-class salesman who distributes sales tools. The first-class salesman thinks about "the approach after distributing". If you are interested, please check out that article. And this time, we will introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "First-class, second-class, third-class salesman". If you are not in sales, please take a look.


”Third-rate people only send "New Year's cards", second-rate people send "thank-you cards", and first-rate people send "invitations". If you think you can build relationships by sending New Year's cards, you're in danger. It's extremely rare for a customer to be happy to receive a New Year's card from a salesperson. Also, we send "thank-you cards" after business negotiations. This makes people think that you're a proper salesperson.”


”Simple things like emails and postcards are fine, so it's a good idea to do it. However, New Year's cards and thank-you cards don't have the power to deepen relationships. My recommendation is to "plan a study session and invite them." This is what is known as seminar selling. This method will earn you gratitude, deepen your relationship, and even lead to business negotiations. There is no risk, but the return is great. There is no reason not to do it.”


What did you all think? Recently, online seminars and study sessions have been on the rise. It might be a good idea to start by hosting a study session with just a few people. In face-to-face meetings, you can communicate on the spot, which allows you to expand your horizontal connections and create meaningful time. This is the last part of the Top Salesman series. Thank you for watching so far.


PS: From next time onwards, I plan to share new sales-related information and chat from the top, second and third-rate sources. I will pick up any information that may be of some use to you, so I hope it will be of some use to you. Thank you for your continued support.


