
容姿が美しい女ほど男にオゴってもらいたがる!?-The more beautiful a woman is, the more she wants to be treated by a man!?-


Good evening everyone. This time, I will introduce the contents of the title by excerpting some parts from "The Ecology of Men and Women". I'm sure there are people who have worried about how to split the bill when dining with a woman. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced the reason why beautiful women are surprisingly unpopular because men are timid! If you are interested, please take a look at that article as well.


"The experiment was conducted by researchers at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, who asked 416 men and women to rate their own attractiveness, then show them a photo of a hypothetical date, imagine they were out to dinner with that person, and finally decide who would pay for the meal, with the option to split the bill."


"The results showed that the more confident a woman is about her appearance, the less likely she is to pay for a meal. It was also found that men who are confident about their appearance are also less likely to pay. However, it seems that the more attractive the woman a man is with, the more likely he is to want to treat her. However, the opposite is true for women. The more good-looking the man is, the more likely he is to want to be treated."


What did you all think? Did any of this resonate with you, men or women? The issue of treating others and being treated is always going to be around. Either way, we should always be grateful and have a GIVE spirit. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.





