










①    6W2H




  1. Who:誰が(誰がやるのか?例:私たち)

  2. Whom:誰に(誰に向けてのものか?例:具体的なお客さんのイメージ)

  3. What:何を(どんなことをしたい?例:〇〇をやってハッピーにしたい、など)

  4. How:どのように(どういう方法や手法で実行する?例:△△を行うことでハッピーになる)

  5. マスの中央にを書く(プロジェクトのテーマを大きく書く)

  6. Why:それはなぜ(このプロジェクトをやる理由、これをやりたい動機など)

  7. When:いつ(プロジェクト完成、リリース日など)

  8. Where:どこで(実施する場所)

  9. How much:いくらで(予算や販売額)

②    ブレインライティング(みんなでもくもく案出し)





  1. 一人目は、シートの1行目に案を書く

  2. 次の人(例:左隣の人)にシートを渡し、右隣の人からシートをもらう

  3. 2行目にアイデアを書く(※例:1行目よりアイデアを少し発展させてみて書く、でも無理に発展させなくても大丈夫!)

  4. 書いたら次の人にシートを渡す

  5. この流れをすべての行が終わるまで繰り返す

  6. 途中の案や最終行(例:5行目)の案で採用できるアイデアはあるか振り返る

  7. ※場合によっては出来上がったマスをカットしシャッフルしてアイデアを組み変えることもできます

③    マンダラチャート(マンダラート)とマインドマップ





引用元:オオタニサンのマンダラチャート - 日本医科大学脳神経外科




Chat GPT4で作った「美味しい朝食」がテーマのマインドマップ




  1. 原材料の質: 美味しくない朝食は、新鮮でない、または低品質の食材から作られることが多いです。逆に言えば、新鮮で高品質の食材を選ぶことが美味しい朝食への一歩です。

  2. 調理方法: 不適切な調理方法や急いで作ることで、食事が美味しくなくなることがあります。美味しい朝食には、適切な調理技術や十分な調理時間を確保することが重要です。

  3. 味付け: 過度または不足した調味は、朝食の味を損ねます。バランスの取れた味付けを心掛けることで、美味しさを引き出せます。

  4. 食事のバランス: 栄養が偏っていると、体が求める満足感が得られません。バランスの良い食事を計画することが、美味しさと満足感をもたらします。

  5. 環境と気分: 雑念が多い環境や悪い気分は、食事の味を損ねます。快適な環境と良い気分で食事をすることが、美味しく感じる一因となります。







#アイデア出し #アイデア #案出し #案パン #アイデアソン #デザイン思考


AI English below

At the cafeteria of the company I previously worked for, there was a sweet bun called "Anpan" named "Idea Bun". True to its name, we would eat it whenever we were stuck for ideas.

Table of Contents Important things before brainstorming

  1. 6W2H

  2. Brainwriting (Silent brainstorming in a group)

  3. Mandalart and Mind Maps

    • Mandalart

    • Mind Maps

  4. Anti-Problem (Generating ideas by considering the opposite)

Have you ever felt stuck on ideas or found your thoughts to be biased when thinking alone? For such times, we've compiled techniques for brainstorming that can be used individually or in groups. These can be applied to new projects, new businesses, or problem-solving.

If you find any unclear or incorrect information, please feel free to let us know.

Important things before brainstorming Physical condition Before generating ideas, ensure your brain isn't exhausted. Consuming glucose can help recover from mental fatigue. Also, improving blood circulation helps the parasympathetic nervous system dominate, making it easier to come up with good ideas.

Don't negate others' opinions It's important not to reject any ideas during brainstorming. First, try to come up with ideas without feeling embarrassed or judging them as good or bad. Even a terrible idea could turn into the best solution for someone or morph into something better when combined with other ideas.

Nodding and reacting When someone presents an idea, respond with nods or reactions (like "good", "I see", or "that's an interesting point"). Everyone feels encouraged when their ideas are acknowledged, which in turn fosters a conducive atmosphere for more ideas and a brighter, positive environment.

Keep records Take photos of the brainstormed ideas or keep them as data. Looking back on these can serve as a trail of your ideation process.

Now, let's introduce some brainstorming techniques.

  1. 6W2H I call it Roku-double-Ni-Eitch or you can also call it Six-Double-Two-H. For any given theme, it expands ideas by asking who? when? whom? what? and so on.


  • Draw a grid on paper to make nine squares.

  • Write the theme in the central square (fifth square when counting from the top left to right).

  • Fill in the 1-9 squares with questions and answers.

Who: Who will do it? (e.g., Us)
Whom: For whom? (e.g., A specific customer image)
What: What do you want to do? (e.g., Want to make someone happy by doing...)
How: How will you do it? (e.g., By doing certain activities)
Write in the center (a big theme of the project)
Why: Why are you doing this project, the motivation behind it.
When: When will the project be completed or released.
Where: Where will it be implemented.
How much: The budget or selling price.

  1. Brainwriting; In brainwriting, everyone writes down ideas on a sheet and shares them silently. In contrast, brainstorming involves exchanging ideas rapidly while talking with others.

[Rules and implementation]

  • Form small groups

  • Set a common theme

  • Set a timer for implementation (e.g., 60 seconds for each row of three squares, doing 5 rows)

  • Start with text-based ideas, and as you get comfortable, use illustrations and text to explain

The process is to write an idea in the first row of the sheet, pass it to the next person (e.g., the person to the left), and receive a sheet from the person to the right to add ideas in the second row. Continue this until all rows are completed, then review which ideas are workable.

  1. Mandalart and Mind Map

  • Mandalart A technique used even by Major League Baseball player Shohei Ohtani, consisting of an 81-square grid (9x9). Write the goal or theme in the center and fill the remaining eight squares with related words or issues. It's a method to find ways to achieve goals.

  • Mind Map is Perhaps the most familiar technique to many. Start writing from the center of the paper, moving from abstract ideas to specific ones. Keep adding and refining ideas. You can use illustrations and different colors.

  1. Anti-Problem (Considering the opposite) Decide on a theme and generate ideas by considering the opposite situation. For example, if the theme is "how to enjoy a delicious breakfast," imagine the opposite: a situation of an unenjoyable breakfast. By understanding what makes breakfast unpleasant, you can reverse these factors to find ways to enjoy a delicious breakfast.

Finally, In the past, I won a contest where the task was to generate a multitude of ideas on a given theme. The organizer told me that while my idea won, the best innovation doesn't always come from the best idea. Sometimes, an idea that doesn't seem very good might improve significantly when shared with others. Also, someone else might have already thought of the same idea, but very few can execute it.

So, let's generate many ideas and sweat it out mentally.

#True ideas emerge after you think you've run out of them.





