
Kitchen Table Talk #2

Hello, there.
I’ve finished reading the book “Kitchen Table Talk.”
I shared the other episode in my previous blog, and I’d love to share another episode today.

The Kindness of Strangers

In this book, the author mentions terrible jam-packed trains in Tokyo, and the passengers look sleepy and miserable.
However, cheerful voices call out at the ticket gate, “Good morning! Good morning!”
These voices made her cheer up.

Regarding the above episode, I remembered my high school days.
I commuted to school by three trains and bicycle.
It took one and a half hours one way; five minutes, forty-five minutes, and five minutes ride, and then thirty minutes bike.
It sounds like a triathlon.
However, it depends on the weather or transfer; on a rainy day, I got on the bus instead of the last five minutes ride and bike.

Furthermore, going home took longer because it was inconvenient for transit; sometimes, I had to wait for the last train at the station for more than thirty minutes, which was a two-hour trip.

Aside from my commuting time, the episode of the author reminds me of a similar experience.
At the station’s ticket gate, before riding a bike, a station attendant in his late 50s said to us, “Good morning! Have a great day!” with a tender smile every morning.
Although sleepy after a long trip, he always cheered me up.

I remember his name and his gentle smile still now.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t appreciate it when I graduated; probably, he had already retired.
Thank you, Mr. T.

That’s all for today, and see you around.





