
Okoru Gihou -Mental Arts on Angry Realities-

Hello, there.
I'd love to share about a book today.

I've read "Okoru Gihou -Mental Arts on Angry Realities-."
I interpreted the title as a technique of anger.

It was written by Ryushun Kusanagi, a Buddhist monk and an author famous for "Hannou Shinai Renshu -Practice without Reaction-."

When I read the above book several years ago, I couldn't understand or absorb his words.
As I observed myself, I wasn't ready to read it since I had too many problems and wasn't in the mood to read and listen to others then.

However, I could absorb his words this time.
I'm sure the time has come!

Two types of causes of angry

He said there are two types of anger caused; myself and others.
It would help to recognize your angry emotion; you think or talk to yourself like "I'm angry with~," and then you can discover why you get angry.

If you feel "I'm not bad," you might cut in half the angry emotion.
On the other hand, if others cause it, you need some techniques, but I'll mention some of them.

  1. Keep your distance from the person who caused it.

  2. Forget about that; overwrite with pleasant emotion.

The author mentioned that it is also effective to complain to the opponent, like " I think ~. I felt ~, but you think ~, right? I'm glad if you do like ~."
It depends on the situation and the opponent, so I prefer the above two techniques to be more effective.

If I had read this book at a young age, I would have handled many difficulties and overcome my angry emotions easily, and then I could get along with other people and raise my son more better.

That's all for today and see you around.





