

What’s up, Fam!
英語 x ライフコーチのデイナです!



① マーケティング















⑤ YouTuber




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④ 翻訳・通訳





➡ instagram: @maigo.abroad

インスタ(英語): https://www.instagram.com/danasensei_eikaiwa/

ツイッター(ノマド・考え方): https://twitter.com/AbroadMaigo





What’s up, Fam!
It’s your English and Life Coach, Dana!

April 2023 marked my second year as a freelancer
so I thought I would discuss 10 things I tried during my first year of freelance work.

[Things you can do without particular skills/experience]

① Marketing

Ah, marketing. We’ve all heard this word loads of times, but do we actually understand it? 

To make things simple, let’s just say it’s using things like ads on websites or flyers to promote products and services. Having the ability to attract customers and promote products is central to any business, so there are a lot of job opportunities in this field!
It sounds hard (and yes, it is complicated), but there are some opportunities where you can learn on the job!

② Sales

Trying to get someone to pay you money in exchange for something does not sound like a walk in the park, but sales is another key part of all businesses.

The nice part about sales is that even if you don’t have your own product, if you have the ability to sell any product, there are always companies out there looking to hire people who will sell their services for them!

This all sounds great, which is why I started, but unfortunately I’m not the best at talking to strangers and it didn’t end too well…

Luckily, I was able to apply the sales knowledge I acquired to my own English business, so it was a good learning experience at least!

③ Start-ups

If you’re keen on starting your own business in the future, getting some experience at a start-up is a good place to start. 

By working for a start-up, you might get to experience starting a business from scratch, which is difficult to experience if you’re working for a regular company.

Thanks to the amazing people around me, I was able to help with the initial stages of multiple businesses, including an English cram school, online school, YouTube business, and English coaching business this year.

④ Event support

If sales and marketing seem a bit too “business”-ey for you, you can try your hand at event support, which offers a wide variety of jobs!
For those of you who enjoy planning or are good at keeping track of data, you can try event organization, while those of you who like to flaunt your public speaking abilities will likely find that you’re suited to be event moderators!

I personally find event moderation and interpretation to be quite fun!

⑤ YouTuber

“What, are you telling me to become an influencer?”
…Kind of? 
Actually, you may be surprised to hear that you don’t even need your own YouTube channel for this job. You can be in other people’s YouTube videos or help plan or run a channel!

I’ve been helping run a channel (doing interviews, planning, and translation), and it can be very interesting depending on the channel’s content.

⑥ Content Business

While many people think that starting a business isn’t up their alley, online or content-based businesses are worth the effort. If you take the time and energy to work on your social media and course content, eventually you’ll end up with substantial content that lasts forever!
You can start an online business in any genre even without specialized skills, and the more you make, the more products/services you’ll end up with (possibly opening the door to earning passive income in the future).

YouTube: Dana & Erika from Japan

[Things you can start if you have particular skills]

① Video Editing

If you’re a pro at using Adobe products or other video editing software, there are a lot of non-techy people out there who need your skills! 
Freelance sites offer many job posts, but eventually it may be best to find a long-term client (especially to keep your bank account happy).

② Writing

You can probably tell apart an experienced writer from an inexperienced one (uh, me…), so most jobs require some sort of experience (or at least confidence in your writing), but if you find a topic you’re good at writing about, you may be able to land a job!

③ Coaching

There are several types of coaching, including English, career, or even life coaching, so if you’re a master at getting people to open up about themselves, this might be for you!
Coaching allows you to have a large impact on people’s lives, so it can be a very rewarding job!

I’ve been combining English and life coaching and have seen my clients change not only the ways in which they study, but also the ways in which they think about their lives in career paths.

④ Translation/Interpretation

For the polyglots out there! I always thought of translation as translating fat books all day, but there’s actually a huge variety of jobs, including site, YouTube, and even game translation!

Well…that’s it!
Any jobs pique your interest?

Give me a like and follow for more content ✌

For those of you who are thinking

“But I still don’t know how to start…”
Shoot me a message and I’ll answer your questions.

➡ instagram: @maigo.abroad
