




A young boy, Tom, is sitting in the park, thumbing through his newest comic book and contemplating the superhero's decision to maintain a secret identity. It's a balmy afternoon and his mind wanders to ponder on why superheroes keep their real identities hidden. To him, it seems like an unnecessary hassle.

"Keeping secrets sure is exhausting. Why don't they just tell the truth and avoid all the complications?"

Emerging from behind a nearby statue, Socrates appears, startling the young boy. Adjusting his toga, Socrates smiles and says, "Interesting point, young man. But what is truth, and is it always good to reveal it?"

Tom, shocked but intrigued, responds, "Well, truth is... when you tell things as they are. And yes, I think it's good to reveal it. No more secrets, no more lies."

Socrates strokes his beard thoughtfully before asking, "But, if the truth could cause harm or sadness, should it still be revealed?"

Tom scrunches up his face, thinking deeply. "Well... I guess not. If it's going to hurt someone, maybe it's better to not tell it."

Socrates, now sitting beside Tom, further probes, "So, does the value of truth depend upon its consequences? Or is truth inherently valuable, regardless of the results of its revelation?"
ソクラテスは今、トムの隣に座りながら更に問います。「それでは、真実の価値はその結果に依存するのか? それとも真実はその明かされる結果に関係なく、本質的に価値があるのか?」

With a pensive look, Tom ventures, "Truth should be... valuable on its own. But if it can hurt people, maybe it's not always the right thing to tell."

Socrates, always quick with another query, poses, "And who gets to decide when the truth should be withheld or revealed? Is it an individual's decision, or should it be dictated by some societal standard?"
質問が次々と来るソクラテスは、「そして、真実を隠すべきか明かすべきかを決めるのは誰なのか? それは個々人の決定なのか、あるいは何らかの社会的基準によって決定されるべきなのか?」と尋ねます。

"Um, I think... it should be the person's decision," Tom stammers out, "but they should think about others too before deciding."

"And what about the individual who doesn't possess the ability to comprehend the truth?" Socrates quickly asks. "Should they be spared from the truth or be entrusted with it regardless of their understanding?"

Caught off guard, Tom thinks for a moment before responding, "Maybe... they should still be told the truth, but in a way they can understand. Is that even possible?"

Socrates, seemingly satisfied, says, "Ah, so you propose a balance between the unvarnished truth and the capacity to understand it, a delicate act of juggling indeed! But that, my young friend, makes the pursuit of truth all the more intriguing and essential in our lives, doesn't it?"
ソクラテスは満足そうに言います。「なるほど、なんとあなたは真実とそれを理解する能力との間でバランスをとることを提案しているわけだね、それは確かに微妙なジャグリングだ! しかし、それこそが真実の追求を我々の生活で一層魅力的で必要なものにする、そうだろう?」

With a puzzled but enlightened look on his face, Tom nods. "I suppose it does, Mr. Socrates." He then returns to his comic book, now with a fresh perspective on his superhero's secret identity. As Socrates fades back into the statue, Tom can't help but grin. Life just got a whole lot more interesting.

