




Weekend warriors get similar health get similar health benefits as sxercisers

Weekend warriors who fit most of their exercise into one or two days may gain the same health benefits as those who exercise regularly, the American Heart Association journal Circulation shows, and presented at the German Cardiac Society's

    • Shigeru Ishiba wins LDP poll, announces snap election

      After five tries, the former Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba finally won the party's presidential election. He won a runoff against economic security minister Sanae Takaichi by 215 votes to 194. Ishiba emphasized that one of his top priorit

      • Sawara Grand Festival

        Today, let me introduce the festival in my hometown, Sawara. I would love to introduce it because I found the section that captured this festival in the Japan Times Alpha, a newspaper.  The festival is one of the major float festivals in Ka

        • The Ig Nobels: "Raw human curiosity"

          Many people think the Ig Nobels is about useless research. But according to Improbable Reserach, the journal that organizes the awards, it's to "make people laugh and think deeply." The winners in this year were sertainly did it. The physio

        Weekend warriors get similar health get similar health benefits as sxercisers

          Sound of Freedom

          I came across the introduction of an interesting movie in a newspaper. The movie is about pedophiles (the people who love children), and investigators. One day, Tim, who has caught 228 pedophiles so far, tries to pretend to be a pedophile h

          Japan jumps to 2nd in Best Countries index

          Japan is the second-best country in the world following Switzerland, according to a ranking published by U.S. News & World Report with input from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. For the index, the U.S. News rates count

          Japan jumps to 2nd in Best Countries index

          Shohei Ohtani records baseball’s first 54-59 season

          Shohei Ohtani added a new chapter to the MLB record book with his 54th home run and 59th stolen bases. Today, I want to focus on one of the games in which he wrecked. The Japanese star hit three home runs and finished 6-for-6 with 10 RBIs,

          Shohei Ohtani records baseball’s first 54-59 season

          Blue skies and fair weather ahead

          Today, I will introduce the story of a woman. Ryoko Fukuoka is a weather reporter who's also a licensed Japan national guide. A high level of English skills is required to pass the Japan national guide exam, and she said I've always liked E

          Blue skies and fair weather ahead

          Psychological Game

          Today, I came across the psychological game in the newspaper, so I'll introduse it. This is the multiple choice question with 4 options to notice actual personality on my own. People are asked which is the reason for the closing down of the

          Campbell wants to say goodbye to the "soup" in its name.

          Cambell, a big company that is famous for its namesake canned soup in America, is ready to drop the soup from its official name. Campbell Soup Company → Campbell Company Cambell hasn't been exclusive to the soup business lately, and CEO Mar

          Campbell wants to say goodbye to the "soup" in its name.

          Panasonic to end sponsorship contract with IOC

          One of the 15 top sponsoring companies for the IOC, Panasonic, is terminating its contract with the International Olympic Committee at the end of the year. Besides, not only Panasonic but also some other Japanese sponsors seem to have turne

          Panasonic to end sponsorship contract with IOC

          Teen arrested over possession of high explosives

          First of all, I decided to start writing short reviews of the Japan Times Alpha, a news article for English learners every day. Police arrested an 18-year-old high school student for possessing explosives. One of the explosives, triacetone

          Teen arrested over possession of high explosives

          「世界最大」トカゲ 来日

          【記事内容】 世界最大のトカゲ「コモドオオトカゲ」の一般公開が23日から名古屋市の東山動植物園で始まる。かつて上の動物園などで飼育されていたが、現在は東山動植物園が国内唯一となる。上野動物園が繁殖のためシンガポール動物園に貸与した雌の子でこの度シンガポールからはるばる来日した。体調約2メートル70センチ、体重50キロのその巨体と、まだまだ止まらぬであろうその成長ぶりに爬虫類ファンのみならず多くの人から愛されることになるだろう。 【感想】 「コモドドラゴン」名前、見た目ともに

          「世界最大」トカゲ 来日


          【記事内容】 世界的な人口の急増で、肉や魚の供給が追い付かなくなる「タンパク質危機」に備え食品メーカーは対策に乗り出している。今年6月、食肉大手の伊藤ハム米久ホールディングス子会社の東北工場では、大豆たんぱくを使って本物の肉の味に近づけたハムカツがつくられた。様々な形状のたんぱくを選定し、独自の技術や専用の機械で肉の繊維や歯ごたえなどを再現した。このような取り組みに対し、その安全性を不安視する声は多い。調査会社「マイボイスコム」が実施したアンケートによると、約7割がこうした商

          EV電池 国内強化

          【記事内容】 パナソニックホールディングスはSUBARU、マツダとそれぞれ連携し、国内に電気自動車(EV)用蓄電池の生産拠点を整備する方向で最終調整に入った。生産するのはパナソニックHDが強みを持つリチウムイオンの蓄電池を複数本まとめて板状のパッケージにしたもので、EV1台あたり数千個程度を車体の床下に搭載する。 【感想】 EV車が本当に環境保護や低いコストでの生産に効率的なのかという問題には様々な懸念があるが、いずれ世界各国でEV車が普及し、EV車のほうが主流になると予想

          EV電池 国内強化


          【記事内容】 今なお、戦争の続くウクライナでロシアによる子供たちの連れ去りが問題になっている。露軍の攻撃を受けたイリア君(当時9歳)は母を失い、隣人宅で過ごしていた。まもなく、ロシア兵が家に上がり込み、イリア君を「非難させる」と担架に乗せて連れ去った。それから、イリア君はロシア語教育から彼自身の思想までを強制させられ、モスクワにある養子縁組に連れていかれそうになったという。その後、救出に動いていたイリア君の祖母オレナさんがやっとの思いで取り戻し、現在イリア君はその時の状況など
