
The Ig Nobels: "Raw human curiosity"

Many people think the Ig Nobels is about useless research. But according to Improbable Reserach, the journal that organizes the awards, it's to "make people laugh and think deeply." The winners in this year were sertainly did it.
The physiology prize went to a team of Japanese and American scientists who found that "many mammals can breathe through the anus". The research is fascinating and could actually have applications.

I think the Ig Nobels is more like forcusing on question that people wondering through the life. Thus, it is easer for people to imagine, consider, and talk than Nobel prize. It is better way for people who don't have interest about science to be interested in it. Why don't we start to enjoy science with Ig novels first? Of caurse, thousands of investigation are hidden bihind funny result of prize.
