
Weekend warriors get similar health get similar health benefits as sxercisers

Weekend warriors who fit most of their exercise into one or two days may gain the same health benefits as those who exercise regularly, the American Heart Association journal Circulation shows, and presented at the German Cardiac Society's Heart Days conference in Hamburg. The study found that whether people completed 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity in a short period or spread it out over a week, their risk of over 200 diseases decreased over the next six years. "The bottom line is that it's the total volume of physical activity, rather than the pattern, that matters," said Dr. Shaan Khurshid, the study's co-senior author.

I prefer working out one or two days a week to doing it regularly, so this finding surprised me and relieved me. People nowadays have a lot of things to do and are busy. That's why they can't spare much time for exercise. However, these facts will make us keep on working out if it's for just a bit. I hope the findings that improve our health will increase from now on.
