

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour May 29, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[12:47] And giant pandas are returning to Washington  [** 以前の番組の関連ニュース  ]. The Smithsonian's National Zoo announced today that China has agreed to send a pair of pandas to the U.S. They will fill the void left by the three pandas who were returned to China last November. The number of pandas in American zoos has dwindled as loan agreements lapsed during diplomatic tensions between the U.S. and China.

[27:19] FMR. REP. JOE WALSH: Well, with Trump, this is, again, a total ego play. Good supported DeSantis in the presidential primary initially. That really pissed off Trump.

[35:07] And they want that acknowledgment. They want that face-to-face acknowledgment, not on a piece of paper. They want that face-to-face acknowledgment that they were wronged by the U.S. government.
LISA DESJARDINS: Your address is also sort of an acknowledgement.

[35:42] I would say Canada struggled as well. We talked to Murray Sinclair, who headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission there in Canada, in quite a bit of detail. And he told us that it was difficult there. This is not an easy process any time you shine a light on a tragic history. This is the darkest chapter of America's very dark history of how Native Americans were treated. So there is nothing easy about this. They spent seven years in Canada and $6 billion to come to a 4,000-page conclusion of how their indigenous communities were treated, and they concluded that it was a cultural genocide.

[44:50] CHRISTY BRIDGES, Owner, The White Spot: I would very much like to see the ranked-choice voting system repealed . I just want to be able to put your vote in and get that winner from the two candidates or however many candidates.


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  • Appeal to Heaven flag

  • be all in/ even Gonzales, who is thought of as more of a centrist Republican, he's all in with Trump, and he got down on his knees and said the greatest things about Trump during this campaign to help him win.

  • RINO

  • mouthy/ ROYCE WHITE (R), Minnesota Senatorial Candidate: Let's just be frank. Women have become too mouthy. As the Black man in the room, I will say that.

  • Inupiaq

  • Deb Haaland

  • weigh in/ It allows people like me and other nonpartisan voters the opportunity to weigh in without having to necessarily commit ourselves to a particular party.

  • air quotes

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