

PBS NewsHour Oct. 5, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:24]★今日のおすすめ★ Biden asks Congress for more Ukraine funding as U.S. military aid is running out

Thursday, President Biden convened his military and national security leaders for a briefing on the war in Ukraine. The conflict took a devastating turn overnight when Russian airstrikes killed more than 50 civilians, according to Ukrainian officials. It's the deadliest attack in months and comes at a moment when assistance from the U.S. is running out. Laura Barron-Lopez and Nick Schifrin report.
《ウクライナ追加支援、議会の支持を得られるか; The president plans to give a speech in the coming weeks, Amna, where he is going to lay out the stakes; $5.6 billion of ammunition and weapons that they can draw down. But here's the real number, $1.6 billion. That's the number of replenishment funds that they would give to the military services for sending all those weapons to Ukraine; Presidential Drawdown Authority; long-term military assistance known as the Ukrainian Security Assistant Initiative; There is no full-time speaker in the U.S. House of Representatives right now, and there is a speaker race unfolding in real time. How does that impact the potential for funding for Ukraine right now?; the Republicans for Ukraine outside group has graded them based on their votes. Scalise has a B. Congressman Jim Jordan has an F. Congressman Hern has an F; Jim Jordan " I don't think we should continue to send money there, particularly when we have the problems we have on our border"; スティーブ・スカリース; ジム・ジョーダン; 》

[05:22] Now, the immediate term, let's look at the math. Administration officials tell me they have about $5.6 billion of ammunition and weapons that they can draw down, drawdown funds from existing stocks. But here's the real number, $1.6 billion. That's the number of replenishment funds that they would give to the military services for sending all those weapons to Ukraine.

[** < Presidential Drawdown Authority < The use of the Presidential Drawdown Authority to direct a drawdown to provide military assistance under section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) is a valuable tool of U.S. foreign policy in crisis situations. It allows for the speedy delivery of defense articles and services from Department of Defense stocks to foreign countries and international organizations to respond to unforeseen emergencies. Such assistance can begin arriving within days-- or even hours -- of approval...
https://www.state.gov/use-of-presidential-drawdown-authority-for-military-assistance-for-ukraine/ //
Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) = 緊急時大統領在庫引き出し権限 ]

[09:07] News Wrap

The Biden administration cleared the way to allow 20 miles of border wall construction in Texas, the U.S. will resume deporting people to Venezuela if they enter the country illegally and a panel of federal judges selected a new congressional map in Alabama's long-running fight over redistricting and race.
《The late Senator Dianne Feinstein was laid to rest today after memorial service in San Francisco; Exploding drones struck a military graduation ceremony in Syria today, killing at least 80 people and wounding 240. It happened in the central city of Homs, just after the defense minister had left the proceedings; In Northeastern India, flash flooding has killed at least 18 people, with nearly 100 still missing; Authorities in Iran are denying they have arrested a woman whose daughter was severely injured in Tehran. That came today, as activists charged the 16-year-old girl was beaten into a coma by morality police for not wearing a hijab. Security footage shows her being pulled unconscious out of a train in Tehran; Norwegian playwright and author Jon Fosse claimed the Nobel Prize in literature today; In Washington, his lawyers asked a federal court to dismiss charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election results; And, in Florida, Mr. Trump asked that his classified documents trial be delayed until after the 2024 election; ダイアン・ファインスタイン; サンフランシスコ; ノーベル文学賞; ヨン・フォッセ;  》

[14:24] Army secretary outlines new plan to attract soldiers amid recruiting struggles

The Army is unveiling new plans for how it will recruit soldiers. Over the past few decades, the service has struggled to meet its recruiting goals and the challenges have only increased thanks to COVID-19, a tight job market and highly publicized cases of sexual assault in the military. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth joined Nick Schifrin to discuss the proposed solutions.
《クリスティン・ウォーマス陸軍長官へのインタビュー; the Army fell short of its 65,000 recruitment goal by 15,000; high-profile cases, including, of course, Vanessa Guillen, who was found beaten to death by another soldier outside of Fort Hood after Guillen reported two sexual assault incidents; one of the things we have done is, we have taken those cases outside of the chain of command, and we now have a Special Trial Counsel that handles those kinds of cases; the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, better known as DACOWITS; ヴァネッサ・ギレン; ウォーク; 》

[16:44] I mean, there's argument, especially in conservative circles, that the military is somehow acting out some kind of woke agenda.

[** woke = 以前の番組にも出てきました

[18:30] JOANNA SWEATT, Former Marine Corps Recruiter: There's definitely an impact on whether women want to join the service with news that has come out in recent years related to cases like Vanessa Guillen. The instances that are happening specifically in the United States military become so egregious, because there's all these cover-ups happening, and nobody looks like they are protecting the victim or has the victim's interest. Vanessa Guillen's family is who had to fight for her, not the United States military. The Army didn't go to bat for her.

[** = to take the side of, support, defend ]

[22:18]★今日のおすすめ★ Martin Baron examines The Washington Post during the Trump era in 'Collision of Power'

Despite Martin Baron's decades-long career in journalism, including leading some of the nation's most respected newspapers, he had never written a book about his impressive career, until now. Baron sat down with Geoff Bennett to discuss "Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos and the Washington Post."
《新刊本『Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos and the Washington Post』著者に聞く; Martin Baron; an at-the-time secret White House dinner the summer of 2017. Donald Trump was the host, and the guests were you, Jeff Bezos, the former Post publisher, and the editorial page editor; that entire dinner was an attack on our coverage, and it was clear to me that he was using that as an opportunity to attack us and to try to put leverage on Jeff Bezos to lean on us; ワシントンポスト; マーティン・バロン; ジェフ・ベゾス; 》

[22:59] MARTY BARON: Well, that entire dinner was an attack on our coverage, and it was clear to me that he [* = Trump ] was using that as an opportunity to attack us and to try to put leverage on Jeff Bezos to lean on us. He felt that the owner of The Post [* = Bezos] would submit to his pressure and that he would then pressure us, in turn, to modify our coverage.

[** to lean on = to put pressure on ]

[28:59] Advocates concerned about workers with disabilities earning below minimum wage

Even with the low unemployment rate in the United States, the situation for people with disabilities is much tougher. Only about 20% of them have a job and some who do are paid less than the federal minimum wage. After protests from disability advocates, the Department of Labor announced it would review the policy that makes this possible. Judy Woodruff reports for our series, Disability Reframed.
《障がい者を最低賃金以下で雇用するプログラムの是非; プログラムの起源、現状、今後; Disability Reframed; Judy Woodruff; Section 14(c) of President Franklin Roosevelt's Fair Labor Standards Act made it legal to pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum. It was designed to help wounded war veterans get access to jobs; There are now some 42,000 people in 14(c) work nationwide. The average hourly wage of a person working in the program is $4.15, but more than half earn less than $3.50; 14(c) certificate; Today, almost all 14(c) workers have an intellectual or developmental disability, and critics have long said no one should be paid that little; Two years ago, the Minnesota state legislature set up a task force to create a plan to phase out 14(c) programs, while 17 states have taken action to phase out 14(c); Developmental Achievement Center, or DAC; What really made the difference was really making the business case to employers to say, think of this as part of your diversity strategy, bringing in diverse employees who are going to have unique life experiences, unique skills and can add a tremendous amount of value; 》

[30:16] JUDY WOODRUFF: Before this, Marschel worked in what's known as a 14(c) program, where he was paid below minimum wage to place labels on bags of bagels.
FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, President of the United States: In the working out of a great national program...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Section 14(c) of President Franklin Roosevelt's Fair Labor Standards Act made it legal to pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum. It was designed to help wounded war veterans get access to jobs. There are now some 42,000 people in 14(c) work nationwide. The average hourly wage of a person working in the program is $4.15, but more than half earn less than $3.50.

[** < 14(c) certificates, issued under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, authorize employers to pay subminimum wages to workers with disabilities that impair their productivity for the work they perform.
https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/workers-with-disabilities/section-14c/certificate-holders ]

[39:18]★今日のおすすめ★ Winner of Nobel Prize in medicine discusses how her work helped fight COVID-19

This week's Nobel Prize announcements are highlighting groundbreaking work once again in the sciences and medicine. William Brangham has a conversation with one of the year's winners in medicine, whose work led to a profound change in tackling the pandemic.
《今年のノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞者カリコー・カタリンへのインタビュー; 回顧録新刊本『Breaking Through: My Life in Science』; breakthrough work on messenger RNA made possible the creation of the COVID-19 vaccines, which have saved millions of lives around the world and helped bring a global pandemic under control; very few women have won this award. I believe you're the 13th out of some 200 for the Nobel in medicine; find the right guy; my daughter turned out fine. She's a two-times Olympic champion; 》

[46:12] Ringo Starr reflects on his legendary career with the Beatles and his new music

Ringo Starr is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, once with a little band you might have heard of, and a second time on his own. He’s been knighted and acted in many films and TV, including as Mr. Conductor on PBS. Now at 83, Starr has a new recording out this month and is on tour. Jeffrey Brown joined him in Los Angeles for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《リンゴ・スター; All-Starr Band; now releasing a new E.P. titled "Rewind Forward"; The Beatles; he started life as Richard Starkey, a sickly child in and out of hospitals; He eventually joined Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, one of the top bands in Liverpool, then got to know another up-and-coming group with a different drummer at the time, The Beatles; The Beatles asked Ringo to join them, and the rest, of course, is history; a 1964 shot of the group with Muhammad Ali, then still Cassius Clay; who grew up an only child; リバプール; 》

[49:56] And I come from a port where every other house had someone who was in the merchant navy. And they would bring records over. And so we heard a lot of sort of country and blues and stuff that England wasn't getting first.

[** merchant navy = merchant marine = the privately or publicly owned commercial ships of a nation (Merriam-Webster) ]

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■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News





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