

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend April 28, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

冒頭の動画をダウンロードして、専用プレーヤーで英語字幕を読みながら再生(あるいは、動画を見ながら聞き取れなかったところを字幕で確認)してください (再生画面はこんな感じです)。この画面なら巻き戻さずに字幕をさかのぼって確認することが出来ます。



[06:51] Well, it is interesting that emerging research on the gut microbiome, which are the microorganisms that live in your gut, show that there is a link between those microorganisms and your immune function, and arguably also your cardiovascular health, metabolic health, and nervous system. So we know what we eat and what we expose our gut to can have impact on our overall health as well.

[** gut microbiome = a diverse community of microorganisms living in the digestive tract ]

[11:12] The El Nino last year caused particularly hot wet weather in Western Africa, which has impacted the quality of the cocoa harvest. In addition, there's a disease which is sweeping through the West African cocoa crops called swollen shoot disease, and this is decimating the cocoa harvest.

[** swollen shoot disease =
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacao_swollen_shoot_virus ]

[15:33] Companies are also diversifying beyond pure chocolate, creating new flavors and marketing other candy. California-based Voyage Foods is taking a different approach altogether, making chocolate without cocoa.
Our core mission is to future-proof some of our favorite foods.

[** to future-proof something = to take measures to ensure something can withstand future changes, challenges, or uncertainties ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • juice cleanser

  • bloating/ symptoms like gas, bloating, and abdominal pain

  • whole food

  • farmgate price

  • cutlass

  • to buffer out something/ We are looking to essentially buffer out the supply chain

  • solar maximum

  • Carrington Event

  • artist's conception

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