

PBS NewsHour Sept. 22, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:51] Auto workers expand strike nationwide: ‘We’ll take as long as we have to’

The United Auto Workers expanded its strike to 38 more facilities in 20 different states on Friday. PBS NewsHour’s Ali Rogin reports on why more workers are joining the picket line, what they’re seeking and how it might affect consumers.
《United Auto Workers expanded its strike to 38 more facilities in 20 different states; UAWストライキ拡大; parts distribution facilities of GM and Stellantis; union made progress with Ford on cost of living adjustments, profit-sharing and job security; 》

[06:42]★今日のおすすめ★ Menendez indictment, shutdown scramble roil Capitol Hill

On Capitol Hill, the fact that Congress is facing a looming government shutdown was perhaps not Friday’s biggest news headline; New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat and powerful committee chair, was indicted on federal corruption charges. William Brangham talks to congressional correspondent Lisa Desjardins about that case, as well as how lawmakers got around a block on military promotions.
《民主党の有力上院議員を収賄で起訴、New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat was indicted on bribery charges; Menendez and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes, in exchange for using his power and influence to protect and to enrich those businessmen and to benefit the government of Egypt; New Jersey governor, Phil Murphy, a Democrat, is calling for Mr. Menendez; government shutdown looming; Chuck Schumer moved around Senator Tommy Tubervilleto's holds on military promotions; 政府閉鎖

[10:07] So, a lot of folks are saying, all right, the shutdown is coming next week. Why not just agree with some Democrats on a clean, easy short-term deal?

[** clean = 交換条件がついていない。他のものと抱き合わせになっていない ]

[13:30] News Wrap

Tropical Storm Ophelia barreled toward the East Coast, with expected landfall Saturday morning in North Carolina. Also, a judge at Guantanamo Bay has declared one of the defendants in the 9/11 attacks case unfit for trial.
《Tropical Storm Ophelia is barreling towards the East Coast; years of CIA torture has rendered Ramzi Binalshibh lastingly psychotic; Guantanamo Bay; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is close to a historic peace agreement with Saudi Arabia; Pope Francis is denouncing "fanaticism of indifference" that greets migrants who are searching for a better life in Europe;》

[14:11] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is close to a historic peace agreement with Saudi Arabia. It would be the fifth Arab nation to normalize ties with Israel since the signing of the so-called Abraham Accords in 2020.

[** The Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on September 15, 2020... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Accords ]

[17:21] What you need to know about the new federal gun violence prevention office

President Joe Biden on Friday announced the creation of the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention, which will be overseen by Vice President Kamala Harris and aimed at curbing the national epidemic of firearm violence. William Brangham talks to White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez about why this issue means so much to young voters, and what the office is designed to do.
《President Biden today announced the creation of the first ever federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention; 》

[19:57] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: The gun safety advocates that I was talking to today said that, as recently as March, the White House was not going to appoint any director of -- or create this new office at all, but that they feel as though, because the election is around the corner and because of the very public campaign that they waged to get the White House to do this, that, essentially, the president, the vice president came around, because they have been talking to a lot of voters.

[** to come around = to change one's position or view on something ]

[21:38] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: There was the big crackdown on those guns, which are those kits that are sold online that don't have serial numbers or background checks.

[** このような銃をghost gunという。 ghost gun = a gun without serial numbers that cannot be easily tracked, especially a home-made gun built with non-registered, partially finished or 3D printed components ]

[23:00]★今日のおすすめ★ New investigation links Justice Thomas to Koch Network fundraiser events

Another new investigation by Pro Publica raises serious questions over undisclosed connections between Justice Clarence Thomas and powerful people who have brought cases before the Supreme Court. William Brangham talks to ProPublica’s Joshua Kaplan about Thomas’ attendance at a Koch Network fundraiser that attracts wealthy, conservative donors.
《トーマス最高裁判事の新たな倫理問題発覚、Joshua Kaplan, ProPublica; Josh Kaplan; Koch network, the conservative political organization founded by billionaires Charles and David Koch to push America toward their libertarian vision for the country; Thomas’ attendance at a Koch Network fundraiser; Stand Together; 》

[24:31] And the marquee fund-raising event is this annual donor summit that they have out in Palm Springs, which is what Thomas attended. To score an invite to that event, donors have to give at least $100,000 a year, and many give a lot more than that. 

[** invite (noun) = An invitation // to score = to obtain; to acquire; to gain ]

[25:13] It's a pretty extraordinary position he's [* he = Clarence Thomas ] been in, having served as a fund-raising draw for this network.

[** draw = One that attracts interest, customers, or spectators. この文脈では、客寄せパンダ ]

[26:09] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: There was a spokesperson for Koch's group, which is known as Stand Together.

[** = Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, or Stand Together, replaced the Koch network's Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce (previously the Association for American Innovation), which folded in May 2019... https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Stand_Together_Chamber_of_Commerce]

[28:15] In terms of Congress, there's a bill that has been advanced out of the Senate Judiciary Committee that would require the Supreme Court to adopt a code of conduct and also implement some other -- a couple of other ethics rules that so far is not going nowhere. I believe the majority -- Senator Schumer has said that he thinks it would be filibustered, and so he's not advancing it to the floor.

[** to filibuster < filibuster (noun) = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ]

[29:01] Ukraine’s national security adviser: The West talks about assistance but not victory

After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with U.S. leaders this week to urge them to continue sending aid to help fight the war against Russia, Nick Schifrin sat down in Kyiv with Oleksiy Danilov, National Security and Defense Council secretary, to discuss the state of the counter-offensive and the possibility that Congress might not approve a vital aid package.
《ウクライナの国家安全保障担当補佐官へのインタビュー; Oleksiy Danilov; 国家安全保障・国防会議長官; 米国議会がウクライナへの追加支援を承認しない場合の対応、反転攻勢の進捗; 》

[29:32] NICK SCHIFRIN: Outside, Bakhmut Ukrainian soldiers advance through a moonscape. They won this battle for what was once the village of Andriivka.

[** moonscape = A desolate or devastated landscape. この文脈では、激戦のあとに残された月面のような荒涼たる場所 ]

[34:18]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on the shutdown countdown, Ukraine war support

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join William Brangham to discuss the week in politics, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s scramble to avoid a government shutdown, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Washington and more.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る; David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart; 》

[36:06] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: I mean, David is describing the idea that McCarthy still has some agency in all of this. But it seems like, in the last few weeks and days, it seems like he's utterly lost control of his own caucus.

[** agency = a means of exerting power or influence; the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power. 影響をおよぼす力。変化をもたらす能力 ]

[36:47] Speaker McCarthy absolutely should tell this rump faction within his majority to go stuff it. [* stuff it = used as an angry and rude way to say that one does not want something or is not interested in something (Merriam-Webster) ] I have governing to do. We have governing to do. We can't allow the government to shut down.

[** rump = a small or inferior remnant or offshoot. 多くのメンバーが離れたあとの残党 ]

[38:17] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Jonathan, do you think the Democrats in offering this potential, that they want to see McCarthy twist in the wind more than they want to see the government shut down?

[** to twist in the wind = to be left in a very difficult situation ]

[41:57] Do you think that -- as Jonathan is describing, that the graybeards, so to speak, in the Republican Party will prevail and keep America funding?

[** = Any of the members of a group who have been there the longest, often implying experience (wiktionary); sage ]

[42:48] You posted this tweet that showed a dinner that you were having at an airport, and that it cost $78. And you wrote: "This is why the American people think the economy is terrible." You got roughed up a little bit online about this.

[** to rough up = To treat someone roughly. (この文脈では)非難する。叩く ]

[44:44] How COVID lockdown helped save the Tedeschi Trucks Band

The husband-and-wife creative duo behind the 12-member Tedeschi Trucks Band have been called two of the best roots musicians of their generation. But after a decade of success and touring, they hit a rough period after the death of a bandmate. Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks sit down with William Brangham to explain how the COVID lockdown helped them reset creatively and write new albums.
《Tedeschi Trucks Band; Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks; パンデミックはリセットの機会; Layla and Majnun; ライラとマジュヌーン》

[45:57] Susan's first major label record, "Just Won't Burn," now being reissued for its 25th anniversary, went gold, rare for a debut blues album.

[** to go gold = (music) To reach 500,000 in sales, thus becoming a gold record ]

[49:06] During lockdown, everyone in the band would read the 12th-century Persian poem Layla and Majnun. It's an Arab Romeo and Juliet story about two lovers held apart by a male-dominated society. Heartbroken Majnun wanders the wilderness, going mad. Layla gets locked in a tower and forced to marry another man.

[** Layla and Majnun = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layla_and_Majnun ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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