
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.14☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS NewsHour

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 13, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[03:56] The question in Idaho is whether their essentially total ban on abortion -- the only exception is to save the life of the mother -- whether that violates the federal law that says that hospitals have to provide emergency treatment to stabilize the patient, even if it's not saving their life.

[13:47] NICK SCHIFRIN: Above the summit today, skydivers leaped to the waiting leaders of the world's largest democracies. They are collectively supporting Ukraine today, but they know long-term U.S. support could be a leap of faith, because former and would-be President Trump has vowed to end the war in Ukraine and question ongoing U.S. military assistance.

[15:08] Quite simply, it could change the nature of sanctions. This could change the nature of the way sovereign powers around the world think about their own assets. This was a significant issue. It's been thought about since the day after Russia invaded Ukraine back in 2022. And the fact that they have done it now two years hence suggests how difficult it was, I think, for all parties to get around the idea of going after sovereign assets.

[15:46] ADAM SMITH: Yes, I think there are two concerns. One is perhaps a little less significant than the other. The first is retaliation. What that means is that, if we can do that to Russia, Russia can do that to us. And that's true, and it's definitely a concern for the Europeans, because there's a lot more engagement between Russia and Europe. It's much less of a concern for the U.S., but it's not a zero-sum concern. But, of course, if Russia can do it, then others can do it as well, be it China, India, what have you, any other jurisdiction that sort of wants to.

[18:01] The language today is a $50 billion loan. Is that the kind of loan that the U.S. and the West expects to be paid back?
ADAM SMITH: I don't think so. I mean, who knows? But I certainly don't think that's the idea. I haven't seen what the terms of the loan are. They are very, very long terms for repayment. Then it becomes sort of a null issue. So, in other words, the loan may not be repaid, but it may not ever be due also.

[29:34] CRAIG SNYDER: This is not some member of the AOC Squad coming in to sort of impose progressivism on Central Pennsylvania. This is a moderate who easily, in an earlier time, not that long ago, could have run as a Republican.

[32:39] CRAIG SNYDER: Sometimes, if you can draw people to the ballot to vote for somebody in a lower office, a downballot office, that, once they have made that decision, they will carry the same sort of principles up the ballot as well. If we can highly motivate people to vote against Perry, they may well decide that they can't at the same time vote for Trump. We just have to give them a permission structure, tell them that other Republicans are doing this, that they are not becoming progressive Democrats by casting this vote.

[40:18] ILEANA GONZALEZ: There's also the logistical component involved in what it would take to actually arm teachers.

[40:36] ASDRUBAL QUINTERO: I do feel like most people, staff, students, families, would be extremely uncomfortable with the idea of admin or staff at school being armed and being the first line of defense against a school shooter. The reckoning that a lot of us have kind of come to terms with as teachers is, like, we don't really know what the solution is, like, at all. And that's kind of what makes it really scary.

[43:27] There's a psychological piece to this, because training someone for a couple dozen hours on how to shoot, clean, and holster the gun is a lot less than what we require of our trained public safety professionals out in the community or police officers, right, with use of force continuum, shoot, don't shoot.

[44:03] And, lastly, who's going to be managing all this? The principal is now the de facto police chief, in addition to the principal, to make sure that teachers have the current certification, the right firearm, the right qualifications and training, the right type of ammunition, that they're carrying it right, how -- what procedures for disciplinary. You start getting into these weeds, and it's a really big task, in addition to being educators and administrators during the day, that really goes beyond a reality of fidelity of implementation if somebody picks that up. So there's a lot more than saying you can do it. The question is, how would you do it? And I say, it's very problematic.


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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • standing/ this ruling did not address the underlying issues that the plaintiffs raised, instead deciding the case only on standing

  • Comstock Act

  • meet the moment/ this new information -- quote -- "makes it crystal-clear that the highest court needs an enforceable code of conduct because its members continue to choose not to meet the moment."

  • notch/ The Nasdaq notched its fourth straight record close, adding 59 points

  • downballot/ a downballot race

  • hold the line/ Another day, another direct Russian hit on a Ukrainian apartment in Kharkiv. But this day proved different. A man buried alive was saved, providing hope to a country struggling to hold the line

  • fall out with someone

  • right betting

  • grounding/ the whole thing around January 6 is, in my judgment, merely a talking point, not anything that has real grounding in the district

  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

  • DACA

  • dreamer

  • DACA recipient

  • school resource officer

  • Middle Passage

  • London Blitz

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