

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend May 25, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:29] You know, if you go 10 blocks away from here, you'll see George Floyd square, which is where activists have kind of set up, you know, a mecca to memorialize Floyd.

[** mecca = (in this cotnext) a revered memorial site ]

[07:44] So, in the city of Minneapolis, at this point, if you want to call 911 and there's a nonviolent, you know, crisis or situation happening, you can ask for these folks to show up and it's in their nature to de-escalate. So, I mean, there's been quite an investment in the city of Minneapolis on these sorts of unarmed public safety responses. And people maybe don't directly experience them right away, but the people that I've spoken to who have partaken of these services, you know, appreciate it.

[** partake of = to experience or take part in something ]

[19:17] It would absolutely be a necessary step. If all young people got the sex education that they deserve, sex education that is comprehensive, inclusive, culturally congruent and age appropriate, then we as a society have the potential to raise a generation of young people who not only know how to love and take care of their own bodies, but we'd work towards a world where all people, including people who are in power, making decisions for others -- everyone would understand the importance of things like respecting bodily autonomy, respecting people's differences, and the basic understanding of how pregnancy happens and how it works.

[** culturally congruent = culturally appropriate and harmonious; in harmony or aligning with the beliefs, values, practices, and norms of a specific culture ]

[** bodily autonomy = the right to make decisions about your own body, life, and future, without coercion or violence... https://www.msiunitedstates.org/my-body-my-choice-defending-bodily-autonomy/ ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • check in/ It also talks about how to continually check in to make sure that everyone feels safe as the relationship evolves.

  • matinee idol

  • swashbuckling film

  • flapper/ She was an all-American 1920s flapper, right down to her signature bangs.

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