

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend June 8, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

  • このページ上部の検索欄に語句を入れて「でWGCを検索」をクリックすると、これまでの取り上げた語句説明が見られます( 検索時はアポストロフィーやコンマなどは省略、スペースの代わりに _ )


[07:49] >> Unfortunately, we know, as with so many air pollution issues, that communities of color and low-income communities tend to be at greater risk.
JOHN YANG: Why is that?
>> Unfortunately, histories of redlining and other practices that have left people with polluting sources close to their neighborhoods, that creates a lot of overlapping risk factors.

[** redlining = 以前の番組に出てきました ]

[09:05] One more policy recommendation is the use of prescribed fire. It's a tough trade-off, but we know that prescribed fire under the right circumstances can help make catastrophic wildfires less likely.

[** prescribed fire = 以前の番組に出てきました ]

[15:57] ALI ROGIN: And there has been some political flux in recent months. Has that affected the ability of the Congolese government to address this effectively?
>> Certainly. Obviously, like any instability does not help the situation at all. And so, just it's another factor that is pulling at them and preventing people from really addressing what's going on.

[** "pull at someone," in this context, likely means to divert someone's attention ]


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  • March 23 Movement (M23)

  • Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)

  • DRC

  • historic register

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