

PBS NewsHour Oct. 20, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:51] American mother and daughter kidnapped by Hamas are first hostages released from Gaza

Two Americans held hostage for nearly two weeks by Hamas following the terror attacks of October 7 are free tonight. Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie were released Friday evening after mediation by the government of Qatar. Nick Schifrin reports.
《ハマスの人質になっていたアメリカ人2人解放; Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie were released this evening after mediation by the government of Qatar; The International Committee of the Red Cross received the Raanans from Hamas and transferred them into Israel, gave them to Israeli authorities; there is still intense diplomacy of the other 200 hostages who have 30 nationalities between them; There are still 10 Americans, Geoff, unaccounted for, believed to be hostage in Gaza; Israeli officials say they have no intention of de-escalating, of stopping their campaign in Gaza, and they will continue to launch airstrikes and this expected ground invasion in the coming days, even if, they say, even if that risks the lives of these other hostages; 》

[05:51] Now, Judith, whose Hebrew name is Yehudit, is an artist, and she's really full of life, says Rabbi Dov Hillel Klein, the executive director of the Chabad of Evanston.

[** Chabad = A branch of Orthodox Chassidic Judaism founded in 1755 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (wiktionary). see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad //
Evanston = A city in Cook County, Illinois, United States ]

[07:00]★今日のおすすめ★ Israeli airstrike hits Greek Orthodox church in Gaza, killing more than a dozen

Air strikes continued to pound Gaza Friday as the Israeli invasion force sat ready near the Gaza border. On the Egyptian side of that border, aid shipments still await entry to Gaza as the U.N. secretary-general visited the site and pushed for a resolution. Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い14日目; イスラエルがガザのギリシャ正教教会を空爆、十数人死亡; historic Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza was hit by Israeli airstrikes overnight; the church is almost 1,700 years old; Rafah Border Crossing, some 200 vehicles stalled at the gates waiting to roll in; U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited the crossing; President Biden said, " I believe that, within the next 24 to 48 hours, the first 20 trucks will come across with aid"; Surveillance footage from the Israeli military today showed strikes on Hezbollah targets along the Israel-Lebanon border; 》

[13:41]★今日のおすすめ★ The next steps for House Republicans after dropping Jim Jordan as speaker nominee

At the Capitol, Republican Jim Jordan is out in the race for speaker of the House. GOP lawmakers voted behind closed doors to dismiss him as their nominee after he again failed to win the job on the House floor. Now the party is once again left grappling with whether anyone can unite its divided members. Lisa Desjardins reports.
《下院議長選び; 3回目の本会議採決でも過半数を得られなかったジム・ジョーダンが議長選撤退; yesterday, he received 199 votes... Today, that went to 194 votes. But the secret ballot, an hour after that floor vote, 86 votes from the same Republicans who had just given him 194 votes; Kevin Hern of Oklahoma; Right now, we have about half-a-dozen, at least, candidates for speaker; we realize that the fractures within the Republican Party go in many more directions than even we realize; we're going to have speeches from everyone who puts their name in the hat, and then the hope is for votes Tuesday; 先が読めない状況; 》

[17:38] News Wrap

A judge in New York fined former President Trump $5,000 for violating a gag order in his civil fraud trial, another co-defendant of Trump pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case and a court in Russia ordered Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to be held for three more days on charges of failing to register as a foreign agent.
《トランプにかん口令違反の罰金$5,000、法廷侮辱罪には問わず; Judge Arthur Engoron had ordered Mr. Trump to delete a social media post attacking a court staffer, but it stayed on the Trump campaign Web site; He stopped short of holding Mr. Trump in contempt, which could have meant jail time; a co-defendant of Mr. Trump pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case and got five years probation. Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro admitted he conspired to file false documents -- that's a felony -- in an effort to overturn the 2020 election results. His plea came as jury selection was starting. It also came after another lawyer, Sidney Powell, pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor violations; 司法取引; The head of the United Auto Workers [* = Shawn Fain] is reporting progress in contract talks, but he says there's still more to gain by staying on strike; Torrential rain and gale-force winds battered much of Northern Europe again today, killing at least three people in the United Kingdom; in Australia, the landmark Sydney Opera House, with its famed shell design, turned 50 years old today... The Opera House was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2007; 》

[21:41] Palestinian living in U.S. describes struggle to contact family in Gaza

For many Palestinians living in the U.S., trying to reach loved ones in Gaza has become a constant and harrowing struggle. Dorgham Abusalim came to the United States in 2008 to pursue an academic scholarship and now works as a writer and communications professional. He spoke with Amna Nawaz about his family members who remain in the Gaza Strip and his fear for their safety.
《アメリカ在住のパレスチナ人、ガザの家族との連絡が難しい状況; Dorgham Abusalim; Even before the war, Dorgham Abusalim says he was often worried about his 81-year-old father, who's paralyzed, and his 68-year-old mother, who's blind, back home in the town of Deir al Balah; His parents, along with his brother and sister and nearly 30 others displaced from this war, are all sheltering in his family's four-bedroom home; my father's diabetic. My mom suffers from hypertension; let's just remember, in the Gaza Strip right now, the overwhelming majority of the population are refugees who are descendants of a prior Israeli aggression that occurred in 1948 and then that occurred in 1967. So, some people could become refugees for a second time. Some people could become refugees for a third time. And having learned through it all that they would not be able to return to their homes, people, I think, naturally will want to stay and fight for their homes or die there with dignity; 》

[28:01]★今日のおすすめ★ Michael Lewis on his controversial book documenting the rise and fall of Sam Bankman-Fried

The man at the center of a major fraud trial in New York right now, Sam Bankman-Fried, is also the subject of a new book by the best-selling author Michael Lewis. Economics correspondent Paul Solman talked with him about “Going Infinite” and the reaction to a story that changed dramatically as he was writing it.
《サム・バンクマン=フリードについての新刊本『Going Infinite』の著者マイケル・ルイスへのインタビュー; 暗号資産詐欺で裁判中; サム・バンクマンフリード(SBF)とはどんな人物か、詐欺事件の背景; Sam Bankman-Fried is a child of two academics from Stanford, California; effective altruism; earn to give; rather than extend yourself in a heartful way to something you do, like, go be a doctor in Africa and cure kids of blindness or prevent kids from going blind or saving lives, you go to Wall Street, you make a fortune, and you pay 50 doctors to go to Africa; it's that idea that hooked Sam; both his parents were proponents, are proponents of utilitarianism, right, the greatest good for the greatest number; the son taking the parents' loose ideas and pushing them to an extreme; The super nerd savant leaves Wall Street and starts his own private hedge fund, Alameda, trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but mainly dozens of less famous ones like APT, XRP, SCG, whose prices supposedly differed on different markets long enough that Alameda could buy and sell instantly and make a fortune, playing in the crypto casino; He realizes for a bunch of reasons that there's more money to be made owning the casino, rather than trading in the casino. And he starts alongside the trading firm, this crypto exchange called FTX; venture capitalists had valued this business at $40 billion; What happens over the course of several years is, a whole bunch of money that's meant to be on the exchange and owned by the depositors on FTX ends up in his private trading firm. And this gets discovered when FTX depositors last November start demanding their money back in droves, and it's not there; Instead, Alameda, the trading fund, was, according to its CEO, Caroline Ellison, using it, at SBF's direction, to buy and sell crypto; Sam's also been attacked for using FTX's money to fund effective altruists, Democrats and non-Trump Republicans, shower multimillions on condos in the Bahamas and on marketing, stadium naming rights, celebrity towels; Doing much of this with depositors' money, which would be criminal. And the prosecution has gotten two top lieutenants, SBF's computer coder and Ellison, the former girlfriend who ran Alameda, to testify; Brad Katsuyama; to many now following the trial, Lewis hasn't been nearly open enough in denouncing his subject's dishonesty; Lewis' latest book has sold more than 100,000 in the first week. And the film rights were sold before publication for $5 million; 》

[29:18] What is effective altruism?
MICHAEL LEWIS: Earn to give, that, rather than extend yourself in a heartful way to something you do, like, I don't know, go be a doctor in Africa and cure kids of blindness or prevent kids from going blind or saving lives, you go to Wall Street, you make a fortune, and you pay 50 doctors to go to Africa. It's like, the math works. And it's that idea that hooked Sam.

[** = Effective altruism is a philosophical and social movement that advocates "using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible, and taking action on that basis"...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_altruism ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります )
効果的利他主義 ]

[29:42] PAUL SOLMAN: And both his parents were proponents, are proponents of utilitarianism, right, the greatest good for the greatest number?
MICHAEL LEWIS: Yes, think of the son taking the parents' loose ideas and pushing them to an extreme.

[** utilitarianism = The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people (thefreedictionary); 功利主義 ]

[35:13]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on the GOP struggle to elect a House speaker and Biden's aid request

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Geoff Bennett to discuss the week in politics, including the search for a new speaker of the House and President Biden's plea for national security funding.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る; He [* = Jim Jordan] lost 25 Republican votes on the floor in public, but, behind closed doors, in the secret ballot, he lost 112 Republicans; Jim Jordan is not an institutionalist. He has never been about governing. He's been about burning the place down. And the idea that he was speaker-desi
gnate says a lot about where the Republican Party is; There was this viable option, empowering Patrick McHenry as a temporary House speaker. Democrats would have supported that. Enough Democrats would have supported that, but, ultimately, Republicans killed it; He [* President Biden ] was talking about how, as he sees it, the wars in Israel and in Ukraine, the wars that both countries are fighting, are not just their own, but that they're linked directly to U.S. national security interests; President Biden said the U.S. holds the world together; he used the word inflection point; when the U.S. begins withdrawing, then that's a green light to Putin, that's a green light to Hamas; the U.S. has to be involved. It's not a role we have ever loved. But if you happen to be as dominant an economic and military power as you are, it's a role that's thrust upon you. And if you don't take these actions, then it's immensely costly; this bill that the administration has put together, while costly, is way less than the alternatives; according to legal experts, that Sydney Powell got an awesome deal, that she did stuff that was credibly felonious. And with this deal, she's not going to jail. She gets a misdemeanor. She gets probation. And so the fact that they offered her such a sweet deal is a sign they really wanted her to testify; 》

[38:05] But he [* = Jim Jordan ] came to Washington to deconstruct -- deconstruct government, deconstruct the House.

[** to deconstruct = to destroy; to demolish ]

[38:31] Why were Republicans unable to clinch victory from the jaws of defeat? There was this viable option, empowering Patrick McHenry as a temporary House speaker. Democrats would have supported that. Enough Democrats would have supported that, but, ultimately, Republicans killed it.

[** < to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat= To win, succeed, or be victorious at the last moment, despite the apparent likelihood of failure or defeat. ]

[39:52] JONATHAN CAPEHART: I thought the president's speech was a home run, in that he stood up for American values, American national security, but also for small-D democratic values.

[** small-D democratic= 民主主義の。大文字から始まるDemocraticが「民主党の」という意味に対して。]

[43:33] People were giving Fulton County DA Fani Willis a hard time for the number of indictments she leveled, wondering whether she is biting off more than she could chew bringing this huge case. And we're seeing why she did it, because she knew, as all prosecutors know, that someone or multiple someones will flip.

[** to flip = to agree to testify against one's co-conspirators in exchange for concessions from prosecutors (wiktionary). 司法取引で被告の一人が検察に協力して、別の被告に不利な証言をする。寝返る。 ]

[44:13] DAVID BROOKS: Yes, I think the significant thing was, according to legal experts, that Powell got an awesome deal, that she did stuff that was credibly felonious. And with this deal, she's not going to jail. She gets a misdemeanor. She gets probation. And so the fact that they offered her such a sweet deal is a sign they really wanted her to testify.

[** probation = (law) A type of sentence where convicted criminals are allowed to continue living in the community but will automatically be sent to jail if they violate certain conditions. 執行猶予]

[45:06] Darius Rucker reflects on his diverse career and his personal new album

Darius Rucker first achieved multi-platinum status with the band Hootie and the Blowfish, selling more than 25 million albums worldwide. As a solo artist, he's won big awards and just added more accolades to the list. Geoff Bennett caught up with him in his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina, to talk about his new album and outlook on life for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《ダリアス・ラッカーへのインタビュー; Hootie & the Blowfish; フーティー・アンド・ザ・ブロウフィッシュ; 》

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