
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.15☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS NewsHour

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 14, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:53] AMNA NAWAZ: We also know there are a number of federal firearm possession-related cases pending either before the Supreme Court or making their way through appeals courts right now. One of the biggest is the United States v. Rahimi. What's at stake there?
MARCIA COYLE: That's the federal ban on possession of guns by anyone who is under a domestic violence protective order. It's going to be a fascinating case. It is a Second Amendment case. Lower federal courts said, using Justice Clarence Thomas' new test for Second Amendment, that there was no historical analog or anything in history that allowed such a ban to go forward. So that could be decided this -- next week, any time before the end of the term.

[12:00] U.S. Catholic Bishops apologized to Native American communities today, acknowledging their role in a -- quote -- "history of trauma." In new guidelines for ministering to indigenous Catholics, they wrote: "The church recognizes that it has played a part in traumas experienced by Native children." That includes the church's role in operating boarding schools that tore children from their families. A Washington Post report last month detailed widespread sexual abuse at 22 such schools.

[** 関連リポート: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoFtdW0oZ54&t=1699s ]

[19:16] TAYLOR SEELY: It's interesting, because our police chief, Michael Sullivan, told investigators in the report that he did not believe Phoenix should have strong interactions, a lot of interactions with the homeless population, but, nonetheless, city policy defaults to Phoenix officers having so many interactions with homeless individuals.

[20:35] TAYLOR SEELY: My reporting has shown that, for months, the city council, the mayor, our top leaders are not in favor of a consent decree. They have serious concerns over the costs associated with independent monitors, as well as what they call federal creep, where what if the independent monitor looks at our progress and says it's not enough and then they keep finding new things to stack into our compliance reports?

[27:20] NICK SCHIFRIN: You talk about Iran's missile inventory in the book, which is the largest in the region. And you write: "By 2019, Iran had 50 or so ballistic missiles capable of reaching Tel Aviv and the clear ability to gain overmatch against their neighbors," meaning the ability to overwhelm air defense.

[39:09] And when I read Justice Thomas' decision, it was the decision of somebody in a drawing room arguing about the word function. He went to three different dictionaries to look up the word function, and then all of this technical language, as if he is an engineer.

[42:23] DAVID BROOKS: Yes, well, listen, I'm a journalist. We're journalists. There are certain things we do. When we interview somebody, we make it clear that I work for The New York Times, the "NewsHour," The Washington Post. Like, we make it clear who we are. We don't lie. We don't misrepresent ourselves. We don't hide a tape recorder somewhere, and we don't lead people on with a bunch of ideological rants. And this person did all that. It's a complete breach of any -- the basic form of journalistic ethics. And I was, frankly, stunned that all of us in our business just reported on it, just like straight up. And, to me, this information is so doctored by her attitudes, the way she's leading on Alito and his wife. It's just -- it's unfair to them, frankly, to treat this as some major news story.

[46:29] It was a little dispiriting to see Republicans, on the one hand, say, we have got to sort of live by this case, respect the jury, they found him guilty, these were legitimate charges, and then, when asked about a certain jury in New York with a certain other person, oh, well, that is totally different. And, yes, I suppose they could argue if they want about the case that was brought, but the case was very clear and involved some real crimes that were committed linked to a cover-up. And yet it's OK to prosecute Hunter Biden, not to prosecute Donald Trump? There's something wrong with that.


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  • Route Irish

  • horns of a dilemma

  • Project Veritas

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