
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.30]

PBS NewsHour March 29, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:34] スターバックスの労組つぶし 上院公聴会で民主党議員とHoward Schultz(前CEO)が対決

[02:49] But some lawmakers and labor leaders allege that Schultz has made union-busting [* = (労働)組合つぶし] moves that are illegal. Schultz denied it forcefully.

[04:15] SEN. EDWARD MARKEY (D-MA): You are out of touch [* = in a state of not knowing what is happening, how certain people feel, etc. 実態が分かっていない。考え方が現実離れしている] . Union-busting is disgusting.

[04:31] In a Buffalo, New York, case earlier this month, an administrative judge [* =administrative law judge = an officer in a government agency with quasi-judicial functions including conducting hearings, making findings of fact, and making recommendations for resolution of disputes concerning the agency's actions (Merriam-Webster). 審判官 ] found Starbucks had used -- quote -- "egregious and widespread misconduct" in an effort involving 20 stores. But Schultz insisted the company has never broken the law.

[06:21] LISA DESJARDINS: Others tried to turn the table [* to turn the table(s) = to reverse a situation, so that the advantage has shifted to the party which was previously disadvantaged. 形勢を逆転させる] on committee Chair Sanders.

[07:20] 今日のその他のニュース

[12:19] テネシー州ナッシュビル私立学校銃乱射事件 子供と何をどう話せばいいか 児童心理専門家に聞く

[17:37]★今日のおすすめ★ へき地医療を考えるシリーズの第2回 アラバマ州の非都市部の妊産婦医療

[20:46] Access to care is one of the underlying factors behind Alabama's high maternal mortality rate, 36 deaths per 100,000 live births [* = a birth of a living child 生児出生<->stillbirth 死産] , the third highest rate in the nation in 2020.

[21:53] A certified midwife, Mitchell is building what will be the first freestanding [* = independent; not being part of or affiliated with another organization. (系列に属さない)独立の] birth center owned and operated by midwives in the state.

[24:03] Living in rural Walker county, Brandi Thacker is eight months' pregnant. Before she could get into treatment, Thacker says she was arrested for possession and threatened with a chemical endangerment charge. [* https://www.thebloomstonfirm.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-alabamas-chemical-endangerment-law/] Alabama is one of only three states to criminalize and incarcerate women for substance use during pregnancy.

[25:04] The ways that we're giving care is not solving our maternal mortality crisis. So we must start thinking outside the box [* to think outside the box = to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and that are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition. 既成概念にとらわれない考え方をする。従来の考え方にとらわれない] . We must start thinking of ways to reach women and to address their needs.

[25:28] CATHY LAVENDER: Let me know when you get a reading.
ERICA LATHAM: It's 131 over 81. [* 血圧の上が131、下が81]

[26:44] ノースカロライナ州 オバマケアでメディケイド(低所得者向け公的医療補助)拡大 州保健福祉局責任者に聞く

[29:34] So we want to invest in pre-arrest diversion [* pre-arrest diversion program = a program to divert people who come to the attention of law enforcement because of a mental health crisis from jail to mental health treatment https://www.rti.org/impact/pre-arrest-diversion-program] , jail-based treatment programs, reentry programs that break this costly cycle that we know our local communities bear the brunt of.

[29:45] We need health care, and not handcuffs. And that's something that we have heard firsthand from sheriffs all across North Carolina, as we have been battling the opioid epidemic. We're not going to arrest ourselves out of these issues. [* (違法薬物使用者を)逮捕しまくってもこの問題を解決することは出来ない ]

[30:12] You know, when you say that the conversation around expanding Medicaid has changed, I spoke with Phil Berger, the North Carolina Republican Senate leader, on this program some weeks ago. [* 関連ニュース] He initially objected to Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, had a change of heart.

[30:42] DONALD BRYSON, John Locke Foundation: The problem is, how much is this going to cost us in the long term? What's the woodworking effect [* woodwork effect = In health policy terms, the “woodwork effect” describes the increase in enrollment that can occur after programs are expanded or changed, encouraging eligible participants to “come out of the woodwork” to enroll in them https://www.huduser.gov/portal/periodicals/em/fall13/highlight2_sidebar1.html] of Medicaid expansion in North Carolina? How much is this additional hospital bed assessment going to cost taxpayers in North Carolina?

[31:02] What about the cost? And what's the plan to prevent cost overruns? [* overrun = 超過] 

[33:26]★今日のおすすめ★ トランスジェンダーのトイレ使用を制限する州法が増加

[33:25] In 2016, North Carolina was in the spotlight when it became the first state to pass a bill barring transgender people from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. The law sparked national outrage and was repealed a year later. But, just in the last week or so, Idaho, Iowa and Arkansas have passed their own versions of bathroom bills. [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathroom_bill] And Arkansas is on the verge of passing an even more restrictive bill.

[34:24] For more on these bills and their impact, I'm joined by Jo Yurcaba. They [* 三人称単数をheでもsheでもなくtheyとしている点に注意 ] cover LGBTQ issues for NBC Out of NBC News.

[36:17] AARON JENNEN, Father of a Transgender Daughter: Before she came out as trans and before she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria [* = a profound and persistent unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's biological sex, experienced especially by transgender people.性別違和感 ] , I witnessed the stress and anxiety she had around to using the public changing rooms and bathrooms.

[40:24]★今日のおすすめ★ イラク戦争開戦から20年 侵攻の決断、流血の占領、そしてイラクの今を改めて考える

[44:15] VALI NASR, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University: Counterfactual history [* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counterfactual_history] is difficult to conduct here. Things might have been very different. Saddam might have died a year later, maybe not, and maybe he would have been a greater danger.

[44:33] Firstly, we removed a brutal, dangerous dictator, but we replaced him with chaos. And Iraqis went through hell and back [* through hell and back= having endured and overcome a difficult, trying, or perilous experience or situation. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/through+hell+and+back] in the aftermath of what transpired. And I don't believe that they feel that they're better off.

[44:56] Secondly, by dismantling the Iraqi military, shattering the Iraqi state, we opened the Arab world for a level of Iranian infiltration into the Arab world that was not possible before the removal of Saddam from power. It has been at a scale that we cannot reverse it. We have been for 20 years trying to put the Iranian genie back in the box [* < to put the genie back in the bottle = to revert a situation.] , and we can't.

[46:05] But, essentially, we are far less capable of getting our way [* to get one's way = to do what one wants to do despite the desires of other people 思い通りにする] on the world stage, because many friends or foes don't see credibility in our use of threat -- threat of force.

[46:17] And I think we -- American geostrategy [* = the strategic use of geopolitics; governmental strategy based on geopolitics] , American world standing, particularly in the Middle East, has not recovered from the outcome of the Iraq War.

[47:18] Remember, in the 1980s, he was at war with Iran. Iran was using something called human wave attacks [* = 人海戦術   https://www.historicalindex.org/what-is-a-human-wave-attack.htm] . Saddam made and used 101,000 chemical munitions. Arguably, that saved him in that war.

[52:39] PAUL WOLFOWITZ: I think it was a mistake to talk about stockpiles. And I attribute that to the way the intelligence was coming through [* to come through = to be communicated] .

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