
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.07☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 6, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:59] JAKE TAPPER, CNN Host: Do you think your record is an asset to the ticket, or would it risk fueling Trump's attacks as you being a big-government liberal?
GOV. TIM WALZ: What a monster. Kids are eating -- eating and having full bellies so they can go learn. And women are making their own health care decisions. And we're a top five business state and we also rank in the top three of happiness.

[07:20] AMNA NAWAZ: So you were outside his home earlier today as the news broke. Tell me a little bit about what you heard from people out there.
MARY LAHAMMER: Yes, it was an interesting environment. An organic crowd developed. There were folks walking their dogs out on a morning run, a walk, and decided to stay, and they actually got to see him depart in the motorcade, and just started cheering for him out of the blue.

[07:41] And then talking to them afterwards, they're excited. Minnesotans like to play an outsized role in national politics. They're kind of proud of it. I think people are learning the statistic that if Walz wins, three out of the last six Democratic vice presidents will be from Minnesota.

[09:10] We discussed how that Republicans are weird phrase, how we kind of coined that phrase. And he was almost embarrassed, saying, oh, gosh, shucks. I wasn't trying to be mean about it.

[13:20] And then the other thing I would say is, I think he's probably the first vice president that has stood in a deer stand in 10-degree Minnesota weather for hours and hours at a time. So I'm actually looking forward to that debate with J.D. Vance, because Tim Walz is himself. He's loved and he's blunt.

[26:59] And we have the day's Olympic headlines now, which includes some gold medals and some spoiler alerts. The track and field finals in Paris today quickly turned into a golden hour for Team USA. In the men's 1,500 meters, Cole Hocker pulled off a stunning upset, beating a competitive field and topping his own personal best by three seconds.

[37:37] MELINDA ABRAMS: What it would take is federal policymakers, state policymakers, the hospitals, the doctors, and the insurance companies to come together to agree to pivot and invest more on prevention and primary care. No mistake, that is very hard to do. But I'm optimistic, because there are a number of communities that are experimenting with this right now.

[40:52] NICK SCHIFRIN: Matthews worked for CIA's Alec Station, responsible for tracking al-Qaida and hunting Osama bin Laden. At CIA, she knew al-Qaida as well as anyone.
CALISTA ANDERSON: One of her co-workers even told me one time: "I think she forgot more about al-Qaida than I ever knew about it." So it's sometimes really nice to hear. And then sometimes I'm almost in awe of my own mom.

[47:41] The Copenhagen restaurant Noma has helped transform the world of fine dining with a focus on hyperlocal foods prepared and presented with extraordinary care.



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