

PBS NewsHour June 7, 2023

このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(サンプルのスクリーンショット)




また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。


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  • [PBS NewsHour June 7, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:38]★今日のおすすめ★ カナダで山火事400カ所以上 アメリカ東部で煙による空気汚染

[05:05] BILL BLAIR, Canadian Minister of Public Safety: I want to assure Canadians that all orders of government [** There are three orders of government in Canada: federal, provincial, and municipal. https://welcometocanadianpolitics.ca/federalism/levels-of-government/ ] are working closely together, including with our indigenous partners, to ensure a coordinated and effective response. It's all hands on deck [** = of, relating to, or being a situation in which every available person is needed or called to assist (Merriam-Webster) ] and it's around the clock.

[06:14] STEPHANIE SY: As firefighters try to contain the fires across Canada, officials in many U.S. cities warn, air quality is at Code Red [** see: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/what-does-a-code-red-air-quality-mean-health-effects-of-wildfire-smoke-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ ] . It is not the highest alert level, but it does mean the air may be unhealthy for some and outdoor activity is discouraged.

[06:44] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[08:40] AMNA NAWAZ: Lorincz had said she fired through her front door when Owens tried to break it down. The sheriff said, ultimately, investigators found it was not a stand-your-ground [** 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] case, but, in his words -- quote -- "simply a killing."

[09:29] Back in this country, a school board in Southern California has voted to designate June as Pride Month [** Pride = respect and appreciation for oneself and others as members of a group and especially a marginalized group; solidarity with a group based on a shared identity, history, and experience; an event or series of events celebrating and affirming the rights, equality, and culture of LGBTQ people (Merriam-Webster) ] after supporters and opponents came to blows [** to come to blows = to get into a fight, often physically ] .

[11:09] ウクライナのダム決壊 惨状が徐々に明らかに リポートのあと救援活動について赤十字国際委員会(International Committee of the Red Cross)のEwan Watsonに聞く

[13:43] The destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station is a crime against humanity and an ecocide [** = the destruction of large areas of the natural environment as a consequence of human activity (Merriam-Webster)] .

[17:15] I think what's important here is that, firstly, we really echo [** = to repeat (another's speech, opinion etc.); to restate in support or agreement ] what is an important point of law here, which is that a dam, just like a nuclear facility, must be protected.

[19:43]★今日のおすすめ★ 2024年大統領選共和党候補者 Mike Pence前副大統領とDoug Burgumノースダコタ州知事の出馬表明で9人に リポートのあと共和党戦略家のWhit Ayresに聞く

[20:30] MIKE PENCE: And anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution [** 2021年1月6日の議会襲撃事件の時、トランプはペンス(副大統領は上院議長でもある)に大統領選の選挙結果を認証しないように求めていた。そのことを指している ] should never be president of the United States again.

[25:05] And the Human Rights Campaign says North Dakota is on track to pass more anti-LGBTQ legislation this year than any other state. That includes a ban on gender-affirming [** = helping or enabling a person, especially a transgender person, to live according to their gender identity.性適合の(ための) ] health care for trans youth.

[26:51] And a lot of people are worried that it's going to be like 2016 all over again, where you divide the non-Trump vote and allowed Trump to win majority -- or a majority of the delegates [** = 党大会へ出席する代議員。州ごとに行われる予備選挙で、どの候補を支持する代議員を送るかが決まる ] by getting a plurality of the vote.

[27:04] But the key is not the number of people who start. The key is the number of people who stay in long after they could possibly win the nomination [** 少し分かりにくい表現になっているが、次のような意味:党の候補者選びの最初の段階で参戦する候補者の数が大切なのではなく、勝ち目がまったくなくなっても撤退しないで残っている候補者の数が鍵になる ] .

[28:12] WHIT AYRES: Mike Pence, who, by all accounts, is a very good man, is caught between a rock and a hard place [* = in a difficult and inescapable position ] . He's not Trumpy [** Trumpy 形容詞 = like or similar to Donald Trump; characteristic of Donald Trump ] enough for the Trumpies [** Trumpy 名詞 = a political supporter of Donald Trump ] , and he's too Trumpy for the non-Trumpies. So he's got a very difficult line to walk.

[28:29] AMNA NAWAZ: What do you make of how Chris Christie has set himself apart now? Does his ramping up his attacks against Donald Trump, does that force other candidates to meet him where he is? [** to meet someone where they are = 自分の望むことを押し付けるのではなく、相手の考えややり方を尊重する。(この文脈では)クリスティーがトランプ批判を強めることで、他の候補者も(自身が望んでいるかは別として)トランプ批判をしなければならないようになる、という意味。 ]

[29:18] Chris Christie's message, arguing that Donald Trump is unfit for office, appeals to the never-Trumpers. But he's going to tap out at about 10 percent [** このtapがよく分からないが、他動詞としてなら次の意味がある to tap = to establish access to or a connection with; to take advantage of; make use of ] . Saying that Donald Trump was unfit for office is an insult to the maybe-Trump voters who supported him twice.

[30:36] There's a lot of talent in this field. And somebody may catch fire [** = to become very popular; to take off ] , but they're going to have to catch fire in a big way in order to surpass the lead the Donald Trump currently has.

[31:00] The history is replete with candidates who started off as asterisks [** asterisk = something which is of little importance or which is marginal; a footnote (wiktionary) ] in the race and then ended up winning Iowa or coming in a close second and then doing really well in New Hampshire.

[31:34] 相次ぐ警官による黒人暴行死 警察による停車命令後の最初の30秒が命運を分ける エール大学法科大学院教授Tracey Mearesに聞く

[37:05]★今日のおすすめ★ MeToo運動後の映画・演劇界で変わったこと intimacy coordinator/director

[39:20] JEFFREY BROWN: It's an industry in which everyone understands the meaning of the casting couch [** = the now illegal practice of soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment in the entertainment industry (wiktionary) ] , and stories abound of actors being surprised, taken advantage of, traumatized.

[40:27] A California judge recently ruled the case could not go forward, citing First Amendment and technical [** technical = existing by virtue of a strict application of the rules or a strict interpretation of the wording (thefreedictionary); based on or marked by a strict or legal interpretation. 技術的という意味ではない ] barriers.

[41:19] JEFFREY BROWN: As far back as 1967, SAG-AFTRA, the union representing thousands of actors, developed the nudity rider [** rider = an amendment or addition to an entertainer's performance contract, often covering a performer's equipment or food, drinks, and general comfort requirements (wiktionary). 追加条項 ] , a legal agreement used to clarify parameters of filming an intimate scene.

[42:08] JEFFREY BROWN: A recent turning point, HBO's 2018 "The Deuce," a drama series set amid the pornography industry in 1970s New York. It took on [** to take on = to hire or employ ] a coordinator after actress Emily Meade spoke out about issues on set. HBO then began to require coordinators on all productions with intimate scenes, helping to set a new standard throughout the industry.

[42:31] KRISTY GUEVARA-FLANAGAN: The main thing that allowed for [** to allow for = to make (something) possible ] this was really the Time's Up and MeToo movement and the Harvey Weinstein scandal coming to light. People were finally having to answer to these questions of like, what has been happening on their own sets?

[45:43] (再放送) ウクライナ戦争による石炭高騰 Swanage Railway(観光や資料的保存のためのSL鉄道)存続の危機

[* 前回放送時の説明  今回の放送で省略されている部分もあります。リンク先の動画と字幕ファイルを参照してください ]

[53:13] 連邦議会議事堂で作家Willa Catherのブロンズ像除幕式

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

