ルパン三世は何ヶ国語話せるのか?(マルチリンガル) How many languages ​​can Lupin III speak? (Multilingual)


実在ではなくアニメの架空人物だが、世界一の大泥棒、ルパン三世はいったい何ヶ国語話せるのか?私が視聴済みのPART 4、PART 5、PART 6、およびテレビスペシャルを中心に検証する。


ルパン一味は、ルパンを除くと全員が日本人であるため、日本語を話せるのは確実である(ルパンは日仏混血、日本とフランスどちらの国籍かは不明)。PART 6では、幼少期にトモエという日本人が育成係だったと明かされた。


アルセーヌ・ルパンの孫であり、PART 5では多くのフランス人と会話しているため、確実である。


PART 6の前半はイギリスが舞台であり、バイバイ・リバティ・危機一髪やアルカトラズ・コネクション、ファースト・コンタクトではアメリカが舞台であるため、英語も確実だ。




PART 4はイタリアが舞台であるため、イタリア語も確実だろう。


PART 2でヒトラーの財宝を狙ったり、オーストリアの人物の飛行船に乗ったりしているため、ドイツ語も話せる可能性が高い。


くたばれノストラダムスや、PART 2で、南米(主にブラジル)で活動したことがあるため、スペイン語またはポルトガル語も話せる可能性が高い。お宝返却大作戦の最後の舞台もスペインだった。







Kumagusu Minakata is famous as a real person who was a multilingual speaker in history. He is recorded to have been able to speak more than 10 languages.

He is not a real person but a fictional character in the anime, but how many languages ​​can the world's greatest thief, Lupin III, speak? I will examine this mainly from PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, and the TV specials that I have watched.


All members of the Lupin gang are Japanese except for Lupin (Lupin is of mixed Japanese-French descent, and it is unknown whether he is Japanese or French). In PART 6, it is revealed that a Japanese person named Tomoe was his tutor when he was a child.


He is the grandson of Arsene Lupin, and in PART 5 he converses with many French people, so it is certain that he can speak Japanese.


The first half of PART 6 is set in England, while Goodbye Liberty, Alcatraz Connection, and First Contact are set in America, so it is certain that he can speak English.


In From Russia With Love, he converses with Russians without any problems, so it's highly likely that he can speak Russian.


Since PART 4 ​​is set in Italy, Italian is also a certainty.


In PART 2, he targets Hitler's treasure and rides an Austrian character's airship, so it's highly likely that he can speak German.


In The Fate of Nostradamus and PART 2, he has been active in South America (mainly Brazil), so it's highly likely that he can speak Spanish or Portuguese. The final setting for Operation Return of the Treasure was also Spain.


In Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure and Seven Days Rhapsody, he also works in the Kingdom of Thailand, and there is a depiction of him conversing with Thai people.


In The Travels of Marco Polo Another page, he also converses with Chinese people, so it's highly likely that he can speak Chinese.

...That said, it's likely that he can speak 8-9 languages. Lupin has an extremely high IQ and is smart enough to use computers, so 8-9 languages ​​may be a piece of cake. He is thought to usually speak Japanese or English. The rest of the Lupin gang are also depicted as speaking and reading English and French. Well, it's just the fictional world of the anime...

However, according to the Guinness World Records, there are people who can speak over 50 languages ​​(whether fluently or not). Therefore, 9 languages ​​would not be impossible. A good way to become multilingual would be to live in a country or region with a large number of multilingual speakers, such as Switzerland, Singapore, or the Netherlands.
