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  • 遺族年金の受給期間、一律5年に 男女差是正へ厚労省案 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has announced a proposal to standardize the duration of survivor benefits to five years for all, regardless of gender. This aims to rectify the disparity in benefits between men and women. The revised proposal is expected to be implemented after further discussion.

  • 遺族年金、一律5年給付へ 子どもなし60歳未満、共働き増加で男女差是正 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The bereaved family pension system has been revised to provide a uniform five-year payment to dual-income households with no children under the age of 60. This aims to rectify the economic disparity between genders.

  • 住友生命が一時払い終身保険の予定利率引き上げ 大手生保で最高水準に 東日本放送
    【AI翻訳】Sumitomo Life has raised the planned interest rate for single premium whole life insurance, reaching the highest level among major life insurance companies. This is expected to improve returns for customers.

  • EPARKお薬手帳ユーザーの「マイナ保険証」利用割合が約2年で44.7ポイント増!マイナ連携機能が、セルフメディケーションへの貢献を期待され利用者増加 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】The usage of EPARK's medication notebook "Myna Insurance Card" has increased by 44.7 points over the past two years, with expectations for contributions to self-medication. This integrated feature has resulted in a growing number of users.

  • 遺族厚生年金の男女差解消へ 子どもいない人の受給期間を5年とする案示す 厚労省 日テレNEWS
    【AI翻訳】The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has proposed a plan to set the benefit period for recipients without children at 5 years to address gender disparities in survivor pension benefits. This aims to enhance the fairness of survivor pensions and provide stable support to more people.

  • 住友生命の一時払い終身保険、予定利率を8月も引き上げ 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】Sumitomo Life announced an increase in the expected interest rate for its single premium whole life insurance in August 2023. This is expected to make the insurance products more attractive.

  • 障害年金の特例10年延長へ 保険料、直近1年間の未納なしで受給 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The special provision for disability pensions will be extended for 10 years, allowing benefits to be received if there are no unpaid premiums in the most recent year. This measure aims to support the lives of people with disabilities.

  • 遺族年金の給付「一律5年」に 20~50代、子なしで 現行受給者は影響なし 男女差是正へ厚労省案 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has proposed a plan to standardize the period for bereaved family pension benefits to five years. The target is families without children aged in their 20s to 50s, and current beneficiaries will not be affected. The aim is to correct gender disparities.

  • 【ソニー損保】ABEMAで、元サッカー日本代表・解説者の槙野智章さん、Jリーグやドイツ ブンデスリーガで活躍した鄭大世さん出演の新CMを制作・放映開始 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】Sony Assurance has launched a new commercial featuring former Japanese national soccer players Tomoaki Makino and Daisei Zheng on ABEMA. The commercial, themed around soccer, highlights the appeal of both players.

  • 遺族年金、男女一律で5年給付へ 子どもなし60歳未満の現役世代 新潟日報デジタルプラス
    【AI翻訳】The survivor pension system has been revised, and it has been decided that those under 60 years old without children in the active workforce will receive pensions for five years regardless of gender. This change aims to support the living conditions of survivors.

  • 「遺族厚生年金」 男女間で異なる支給要件の見直し検討 厚労省(ABEMA TIMES) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is considering a review of the differing eligibility requirements for survivor's welfare pension between men and women. The current system has different criteria that disadvantage women, prompting discussions aimed at achieving equal benefits.

  • 派遣スタッフ等のための日本初※の保険、『傷病手当プラス保険』誕生 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】Japan's first "Sickness and Injury Allowance Plus Insurance" is now available for temporary staff. This insurance aims to compensate for income loss due to illness or injury, supporting a secure working environment.

  • 損保ジャパン、子ども向け仕事体験イベントをパッケージ化 2024年度から全国展開|自動車流通・新車ディーラー|紙面記事 日刊自動車新聞社
    【AI翻訳】Sompo Japan announced a plan to package job experience events for children and expand them nationwide starting in the fiscal year 2024. This initiative aims to give children a chance to experience various professions and serve as a reference for their future career choices.

  • ニッセイプラス少額短期保険、パーソルテンプスタッフの派遣スタッフ向け就業不能保険 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】Nissay Plus Small Amount Short-term Insurance has launched a new employment inability insurance for temporary staff of Persol Tempstaff. This short-term insurance is designed to address sudden income loss.

  • 遺族年金、男女一律で5年給付へ 子どもなし60歳未満の現役世代 | 共同通信 共同通信
    【AI翻訳】The bereaved family pension system will be revised, with uniform benefits for both men and women for five years. The target group is working-age individuals under 60 without children, which is expected to enhance fairness in the system.

  • 遺族年金 一律5年給付へ 子どものいない60歳未満 共働き増加で男女差是正 山陰中央新報社
    【AI翻訳】The provision of survivor pensions has been revised, and it has been decided to provide uniform benefits for five years to households without children, headed by individuals under the age of 60. Reforms are being advanced to correct disparities between genders, taking into account the increase in dual-income households.

  • 埼玉県のプロバスケットボールチーム「さいたまブロンコス」、日本生命保険相互会社さいたま支社と2024-25シーズンパートナー契約を締結 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】The Saitama Broncos, a professional basketball team in Saitama Prefecture, signed a partnership contract with Japan Life Insurance Mutual Company Saitama Branch for the 2024-25 season. This contract is expected to enhance both brands' value and contribute to the local community.

  • 「ひまわり生命」の出向者が競合生保の情報を漏洩 「SOMPOグループ」で際立つ出向先での不正 東洋経済オンライン
    【AI翻訳】A seconded employee from Himawari Life has been found leaking information from a competitor. This incident highlights the misconduct at seconded posts within the SOMPO Group, raising awareness of the importance of information management in companies.

  • 一時払い終身保険の予定利率0.15%引き上げへ 国内金利の上昇受けて 住友生命保険 Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】Sumitomo Life Insurance announced an increase of 0.15% in the expected interest rate for single premium whole life insurance. This is a response to the rise in domestic interest rates, aimed at making the product more attractive to customers.

  • 診療報酬76万円余りを不正請求 延岡市の歯科医院の保険医療機関指定を取り消し TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN
    【AI翻訳】A dental clinic in Nobeoka City had its designation as a medical insurance facility revoked due to fraudulent claims exceeding 760,000 yen in medical fees. This act hinders the proper operation of medical insurance, prompting calls for measures to prevent recurrence.
