

「If you were a medical researcher, what diseases would you focus on finding a cure for? Why?(あなたが医学研究者だったとしたら、どの病気の治療法を見つけることに焦点を当てますか? どうして?)」こんな質問からはじまった今日のオンライン英会話レッスン。今日のテーマは医療。アスピリンを使った治療法についてです。



Stroke=脳卒中/ a health condition caused by a sudden loss of blood flow to the brain.(脳への血流の突然の喪失によって引き起こされる健康状態)
The faster a stroke victim is treated, the better their chances are for recovery.

Prevent=防ぐ/to stop something(何かを止める)
The goalkeeper's role is to prevent the other team from scoring.

well established=十分に確立されている/having been successful or accepted for a long time.(成功しているか、長い間受け入れられている)

It's a well-established fact that too much time in front of a computer screen is bad for your eyes.

Internal=体内の、内服用の/happening inside an object, person.(人の体の中で起きていること)

The image gives an internal view of the body.

Subject=主題・課題 、被験者/a person or thing that is being studied.(研究されている人または物)

I was a subject in a study once; I had to stay awake for two nights.



Daily Aspirin May Do More Harm Than Good

Many people take aspirin when they are in pain. But there is another use for this painkiller. Some doctors tell patients who have had a heart attack, stroke, or other heart problems to take a small amount of aspirin every day.

Holly Andersen, a heart doctor from New York City, says that people who have had heart attacks or strokes can benefit from taking aspirin every day. She says that it lowers the risk of having another stroke or heart attack and can make a person live longer.

painkiller=鎮痛剤、heart attack=心臓発作、stroke=脳卒中、benefit=利益、ためになる、恩恵、lower=低くする


ニューヨーク市の心臓医師であるホリー・アンデルセン医師は、心臓発作や脳卒中を起こした人は、毎日アスピリンを服用することで恩恵を受けることができると言います。 彼女は、それが別の脳卒中や心臓発作を起こすリスクを低くし、人を長生きさせることができると言います。



Experts at the European Society of Cardiology agree. They wrote in a statement, “The benefit of aspirin for preventing a second heart attack or stroke is well established.” However, there is not enough evidence to show that taking aspirin daily can prevent first heart attacks or strokes. The experts go on to say that using aspirin daily can increase the risk of major internal bleeding.

European Society of Cardiology=欧州心臓学会、Expert=専門家、statement=述べること・陳述・声明、establish=設立する、確立する、evidence=証拠、go on=進む・続ける、major=大きい方の・大規模な、internal bleeding=内出血

欧州心臓病学会の専門家も同意します。 彼らは の中で、「二度目の心臓発作や脳卒中を予防するためのアスピリンの利点は十分に確立されています」と書いています。 しかし、アスピリンを毎日服用することで最初の心臓発作や脳卒中を予防できることを示す十分な証拠はありません。 専門家はさらに、アスピリンを毎日使用すると、大規模な内出血のリスクが高まる可能性があると述べています。



A new study on aspirin from the University of Oxford looked at more than 15,000 adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Other than this, these men and women were generally healthy and had not experienced any heart diseases.

Researchers told the subjects to take either aspirin, fish oil, both aspirin and fish oil, or a placebo – something that has no effect on the body – every day.

After almost 8 years, the aspirin users had fewer heart problems than the other subjects. But they also had more cases of serious internal bleeding. Researchers say that these adults simply traded one risk for another.

The lead researcher, Jane Armitage, says that "If you’re healthy, it’s probably not worth taking it."

diabetes=糖尿病、heart diseases=心疾患・心臓病、 either=(二者のうち)どちらか一方の、placebo=プラシーボ、effect=効果、the subjects=被験者、trade=トレード・交換、The lead researche=主要研究員、 worth=価値があって

オックスフォード大学のアスピリンに関する新しい研究では、1型または2型糖尿病の15,000人以上の成人が調査されました。 これ以外は、これらの男性と女性は一般的に健康で、心臓病を経験していませんでした。


ほぼ8年後、アスピリン使用者は他の被験者よりも心臓の問題が少なくなりました。 しかし、彼らはまた、深刻な内出血の症例が多かった。 研究者たちは、これらの成人は単にあるリスクを別のリスクと交換しただけだと言います。



📌Comprehension questions:

Where is Holly Andersen from? 

Is there evidence to show that taking aspirin daily can prevent a second heart attack or stroke? 

According to Jane Armitage, should healthy people take aspirin? 

Summarize the article in your own words.

Most people die of stroke, heart attack, and diabetes because they consume a lot of sugar. Some people don’t exercise too. 



What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

How often do you take painkillers? Please explain your answer.

What do you usually do to make yourself feel better when you're sick?

Is medicine expensive where you live? Please explain your answer.

Are heart diseases a major health issue in your country? Why do you think that is?


📌Communicative Activity📌

If you don't have your health, you don't have anything. - Chuck Pagano. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
