





In its seventh survey on money and children's education, Sony Life Insurance has found that 65.5% of Japanese parents said they "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed that children's academic ability depends on how much is spent on their education. Of those, 17.2% said they strongly agreed.

survey=見渡す・見晴らす、Sony Life Insurance=ソニー生命保険、Insurance=保険、strongly=熱心に・猛烈に、somewhat=幾分・多少、academic ability=学力、ability=能力

ソニー生命保険は、7回目のお金と子どもの教育に関する調査で、日本の親の65.5%が、子どもの学力は教育に費やす金額によることに「強く」または「ある程度」同意したと述べています。 そのうち17.2%が強く同意したと答えた。


Sony Life Insurance asked 1,000 people for their opinions from February 28 to March 2. Among them, 63.8% said they want to spend more money on their children's education than on preparing for retirement.





Almost 60% said they would like to spend money on English education for their children, at an average of 6,988 yen per month, or about $65.
Only 44.2% want to spend more money on cram school than they do on sports and art activities, showing that academic ability was not the only thing the parents’ thought was important.

spend=使う・費やす、cram school=塾




Parents of preschool children were asked how much they expected to spend on their children's education from the beginning of elementary school to the end of university. The average amount was 13.8 million yen, or about $130,000 – a little up from 13.4 million yen in 2019.


未就学児の保護者は、小学校の初めから大学の終わりまで、子供の教育にいくら費やすと予想しているかを尋ねられました。 平均額は1380万円(約13万ドル)で、2019年の1340万円から少し増えた。



When asked what occupation they would like their children to have, the top choice for parents of both boys and girls was "public servant." For parents of boys, "doctor" was the next best option, while parents of girls chose "nurse" and "pharmacist."

occupation=職業、public servant=公務員、pharmacist=薬剤師

子供たちにどんな職業を持たせたいかと尋ねられたとき、男の子と女の子の両方の親にとっての一番の選択は「公務員」でした。 男の子の両親にとっては、「医者」が次善の選択肢でしたが、女の子の両親は「看護師」と「薬剤師」を選びました。

The survey also asked which celebrities’ parents would like their children to aim to be like. For the sixth year in a row, former professional baseball player Ichiro Suzuki was the top choice.

aim=狙いをつける、in a row=連続的に

調査はまた、両親に自分の子どもがどのようなインフルエンサーになってほしいか尋ねました。 6年連続で元プロ野球選手の鈴木一郎がトップに選ばれた。





1. How many people took Sony Life Insurance's survey?

Sony Life Insurance asked 1,000 people for their opinions from February 28 to March 2.

2. What percentage of Japanese parents said they would like to spend money on English education for their children?

Almost 60% said they would like to spend money on English education for their children, at an average of 6,988 yen per month, or about $65.

3. Was "doctor" the top choice for parents of boys when asked what occupation they'd like their children to have?

No,it isn't.When asked what occupation they would like their children to have, the top choice for parents of both boys and girls was "public servant."


1. What are your thoughts on Sony Life Insurance's findings?

I agree the date . We are told that it costs more than 10 million yen per child to graduate from college.

2. Do you believe that a child's academic ability depends on how much is spent on their education? Why? Why not?

Yes, I do .In order to improve children's academic ability, I think it is better to have an education like the International Baccalaureate. IB education provides Inquiry learning. That is why the quality of teachers is very important. To learn from a good teacher, I have to pay a lot of money. When learning English is same it.

provid=供給する、Inquiry learning=探求学習

3. If you had kids, what occupations would you encourage them to consider? Why? 子供がいる場合、どのような職業を検討するように勧めますか? どうして?


To tell the truth, I have never thought about the profession of a child. For example, my second son likes space. Therefore, I hope he will work on space. The eldest daughter is good at drawing. I think she will become illustrator. I think the occupations depends on the ability of the child.



