

https://t.me/EnochsNewsBlast/4761 エノクがEriの記事をテレグラムチャンネルとTruthSocialにあげてくださいました。🙏🏼❤️😍🍿


Lots of people in Japan have joined GreenDragonWorldWide and we have weekly meetups in various locations. Second, only to the US, the Japanese are excited about this "movement to free the people of the earth from DS slavery".

Because we are seriously being exterminated. Every single politician has been bought by CCP, and a huge number of Chinese have immigrated into the country and right next door to our homes and are living in luxury, given free of charge with more than half of our labor income stolen from us in taxes.

Our politicians, public officials, CEOs of big corporations, police, judges, and self-defense forces have all been bought by the CCP/Satanic cult, and there is no military or police force to protect us when we are harmed by the evil ones, and no court to take us to court.

Thirty years ago, Japan was one or two of the largest economies in the world, despite its small size. Japanese electronics, technology, and services were all of the highest quality in the world and were the opposite of the inferior products made in China. These superiorities were built on the "heart" of sincerity, humility, and gratitude for all things, which we inherited from our ancestors.

In the 30 years since then, our technology, money, and noble hearts have all been stolen by corrupt politicians bought out by China and Korea. They took advantage of the Japanese people's "trusting and unquestioning" nature and stole everything from us.

Most Japanese have no idea what is happening overseas. They just live in poverty and despair. The suicide rate is the highest in the world, and the rate of decline in economic and educational levels is unparalleled. Our standard of living is now comparable to that of developing countries.

The reason for being stolen all is because we have been warm, humble, and sincere. Satanic cults have taken advantage of us, tormented us, and killed us. Lying, arrogant people have taken advantage of our generosity and integrity.

We cannot allow a world in which lying, arrogant people win over honest, humble people.
Therefore, we Japanese are hopeful that there will be a silver lining when America regains its freedom and peace.

The Chinese have taken over our mountains, rivers, farmland, water, politics, government jobs, and everything else.
We want to get rid of all bad foreigners.
Please let us unite together to restore our beautiful countries, my friends. 🙏🏼🇯🇵🇺🇸

日本では、たくさんの人々がGreenDragonWorldWideに参加し、毎週のように各地でミートアップを開催しています。本家アメリカに次いでと言っていいほど、日本人はこの "地球人をDSの奴隷から解放するムーヴメント"に期待しています。




あれから30年、わたしたちは、技術もカネも高潔な心も、腐敗した政治家たちによってすべて中国や韓国に盗まれてしまいました。彼らは、日本人の "他人を信じて疑わない"という人の良さにつけ込み、何もかもを盗んでいったのです。






#保留力 とは、頭が柔軟な状態で、自分に過度に自信を持たず(=自分が正しいと #決めつけ ない)、他人が言ったことのほうが辻褄が合えばすぐにそれを取り入れることができる能力です。そうすることによって、昨日より今日のほうがより賢い(=筋の通った)人間になることができる。わたしたちはこのようにして「修行して魂を磨いてより上質の魂になってから地球を去る」ために、この世に生をうけたのではないかと思います。🤔

わたしたちの🇯🇵日本を、日本人の苦境を表現して下さったこの名文を🇺🇸愛国者エノク氏がご紹介下さったことは、この大いなる #Qムーブメント においてアウトサイダーであり続ける氣概を持ち続ける力を頂きました。

あなたの心に翼あることばの一つ一つが届いて和らいで解き放たれていきますように。 サポートよろしくお願い致します✨