Spring Vocabs of Japanese🌸
Words you will see when you visit Japan in 春(hàru) - Spring 🌸
🌼たんぽぽ(tànpopo): dandelion
🍓苺/イチゴ(ichìgò): strawberry
🌸桜(sakùrà): Sakura cherry blossoms
🍀四つ葉/クローバー(yotsùbà/ kuròobaa):
Sakura forecast of this spring 2020!
The season of JAPAN - Sakura is right here! Let’s have a look at the forecast of this spring! 🌸
*This map is the forecast of "Somei Yoshino" the most common Sakura. There’re other kinds of Sa
Japanese Pangram - いろは歌(iroha uta)
One of the famous poems as well as a pangram made in about the 11th century that uses all the Japanese characters (except ん(n) - since it wasn’t invented yet).
The most Japanese learn this poem at a j
🍫Types of Valentine’s Chocolates in Japan💝
Since the words shown here are purely invented in Japan, most words might not really sound English, but hope you enjoy feeling and knowing our cultures! 😆
❤️本命チョコ (hońmèì chòko): True Love C