
Spring Vocabs of Japanese🌸

Words you will see when you visit Japan in 春(hàru) - Spring 🌸

🌼たんぽぽ(tànpopo): dandelion

🍓苺/イチゴ(ichìgò): strawberry

🌸桜(sakùrà): Sakura cherry blossoms

🍀四つ葉/クローバー(yotsùbà/ kuròobaa): Lucky Clover
*Normal clovers with three leaves are called 三つ葉(mitsùbà)

🐝蜂(hachì): bees
*Honeybees are called 蜜蜂(mitsù bachi)

🌸桜餅(sakùrà mochi): Sakura rice cake

🐦鶯/ウグイス (ugùisu): Japanese bush warbler

🍡三色団子(sańshòkù dàngo): three-coloured skewered rice dumpling
... The flavours are often Sakura, plain, and Yomogi the Japanese mugwort.

(tònai de sakùrà gà tak(ù)sàń mìrèru bashò wà dòko des(u) kà)
: Where’s the place (that we) can see Sakura a lot in Tokyo?= Where can (we) see a lot of Sakura in Tokyo?
...都内(tò nai): abbreviation of 東京都内(toù kyòù tò nai): within Tokyo
...沢山(tak(ù) sàń): many, a lot
...見れる(mirèru): potential form of 見る(mìru): to watch, see
...場所(ba shò): place
...どこ(dòko): Where
...です(desu): polite form of だ(da): to be
...~か(ka): ending word for a question

(kokò nò sàkùrà mochi wa tòku ni oìshìi desu yò)
: The Sakura Mochi here is very delicious.
...ここ(kokò): here
...特に(tòku ni): especially, really
...美味しい(oìshìi): delicious, yummy
