
初夏を味わう緑豆のフムス Savor the early summer with mung bean hummus

Preserved Food Laboratory

Recipe trivia


In a previous article, I introduced "How to make basic hummus". In fact, starting from this basic hummus, you can develop it in various ways. I often suggest hummus-based dips for breakfast buffets and finger foods at stand-up parties. You can create many variations by changing the type of beans or incorporating seasonal ingredients. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, so it is also convenient as a staple ingredient. Here are two recipes that use early summer ingredients, tomatoes and basil.


When you think of beans in Japan, you probably only think of soybeans, which are the raw materials for tofu, natto, miso, and soy sauce, and red beans, which are used in sweet bean paste. In fact, the consumption of beans by modern Japanese people is low in Asia. Soybeans are imported in large quantities, but most of them are used to extract oil, and the residue is used as animal feed. Less than 20% of soybeans, including protected domestic soybeans, are used for food such as tofu, natto, and seasonings. There was once a culture of boiled beans, but with the spread of meat-eating, this is rapidly being forgotten.
It was only very recently that ordinary people were able to eat meat regularly, as they do today, and most of humanity has survived by relying on grains and beans. Even now, looking at the world, many people are surviving on stockpiles of grains and dried beans without refrigerators. However, once the human species has experienced luxury, there is no going back, so they pursue an electrified lifestyle that relies heavily on distribution, and the demand for fresh food that is not locally produced and consumed continues. We humans are at a crossroads, where we have to decide whether this lifestyle is right or wrong. The issue of the survival of humanity, which is often taken up in science fiction, is no longer a fantasy. Naturally, energy and land are limited, and in science fiction, where someone is extravagant, someone else suffers, this conflict is likened to a conflict with aliens. I am an engineer at heart, so I cannot give up my optimistic expectation that technological progress will solve everything in the future, but how much room is left in the ecosystem of the Earth?
Every time I make a dish that allows you to enjoy the pure deliciousness of beans, such as hummus or dal (soup made with ground beans), I think about this. I don't want to become a pure vegetarian right away, but it's true that I always think that if beans are this delicious, being a vegetarian isn't so bad. Sorry for the long-winded story.


People in countries where soybeans are the main food source and people in countries where other beans such as chickpeas are the main food source have very different views on beans. Dried soybeans are highly toxic, and even if you eat them just boiled, they don't taste that good. That's why they've been processed to remove the unpleasant flavors of the original soybeans, like tofu. So even if you eat tofu regularly, it's not like you like the smell and taste of soybeans. I think that's the reason why Japanese people who started eating meat stopped eating boiled beans so quickly. On the other hand, hummus and dal are food cultures that allow you to enjoy the original taste of beans. However, since beans are somewhat toxic to begin with, they are soaked in water to bring them to the initial stage of germination, then the skin is removed, they are crushed, and they are dried. Since they are distributed after that, they are devised to be cooked in a short time. This is called "dal". It's for the same reason that beaten beans and roasted soybeans were once distributed in Japan.
A bean dish like hummus, dal soup, and bread make a fine meal. In areas where bean consumption is popular, there are many types of beans and a variety of cooking methods. It has been designed so that you won't get tired of eating it.


In the basic hummus I introduced last time, I used soaked chickpeas, but this time I used dal. In the Middle East, hummus is made with beans other than chickpeas. One example is Israeli lentil hummus. This time I used "mung dal." Mung beans are called "ryokutoh(green beans)" in Japan, and are used as an ingredient in bean sprouts and vermicelli, so they are not very well known, but they are a relatively familiar bean to Japanese people.



Mung dal (split mung beans; chickpeas or split lentils are also fine)
Fresh basil
Homemade tomato paste (store-bought is fine)
Tahini (even sesame seeds are fine)
Olive oil



Put the moong dal in a pot, add twice the amount of water and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for around 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until the beans are tender. If there is not enough water, add more water as needed. Retain the cooking liquid and set aside.
Once the cooked beans have cooled, divide them into two.
Blend one half of the cooked beans with fresh basil, tahini, olive oil and sea salt and blend into a paste. If it is difficult to blend, add more cooking liquid to adjust.
Add tomato paste, tahini, oregano, olive oil and sea salt to the remaining half and blend into a paste in the same way.
When serving, top with olive oil.

Tips and tricks:    


Dal is pre-processed, so unlike chickpeas, it does not need to be soaked overnight and can be used immediately. There is also a chickpea dal called chana dal, which can also be used. According to Indians, the chickpea variety used for chana dal is tastier than European chickpeas. I also tried using soybeans, but I personally didn't find it very tasty, but if you are interested, I recommend trying it with various beans.
The cherry tomatoes in the planter are in season, so I used ripe tomatoes that were boiled down to make a paste, but of course you can use tomato paste or boiled down canned whole tomatoes. Here, I combined tomatoes and oregano because that's my preference, but of course you can use just tomatoes. You can also use dried tomatoes, which have a different nuance and are delicious.
I didn't add garlic here so that it can be used for breakfast or lunch boxes, but if you like, you can mix in roasted and crushed garlic.
Toppings such as olive oil, cumin powder, chili powder, pepper, fresh basil, and chopped cherry tomatoes will liven up your table.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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