
【WSJ】オフィス出社に戻るのか?:The Boss Wants You Back in the Office. Like, Now.




After 16 months of enduring remote work as a viable pandemic-era solution, many CEOs have a message for their staff: Enough.


Even so, many companies say that, for now, they are sticking with their return-to-office timelines, many of which are centered on Labor Day.

・sticking with~:~の一点張りで通す、~を堅持する
・Labor Day:労働者の日(米国で9月の第1月曜日に当たる休日)

“I don’t need to be wishy-washy,”


He said too many CEOs are delaying their returns because they fear blowback from workers or don’t want to take action before their peers.


As the team working on it mushroomed, spanning marketers, product managers, engineers, public relations staffers and others, the project slowed and remote work became untenable, Mr. Spence said.


The return came with some messiness, Fifth Third executives and employees say.


CenterPoint CEO Dave Lesar began a conference call with analysts in May by saying he was beginning to notice a sense of normalcy returning in Texas.


Mr. Bixby expects that pressuring employees to work full-time from an office after months at home is a recipe for discontent over the next six months as employees readjust.


Mr. Brock acknowledges that a remote culture may not work at other companies, especially at bigger organizations that have less experience managing decentralized teams.


Constantly interacting in person again is taking some getting used to, Ms. Ogles said. When she is feeling tired from talking, she puts in her headphones or takes a short walk to decompress.

・take getting used to:慣れが必要である、最初は違和感がある





