
宝生流、アゼルバイジャンへ Vol.1  「宝生流が初めてその土を踏むアゼルバイジャンという国のこと」 The Hosho School of Noh Theater in Azerbaijan Vol.1 “Interview with Kazufusa Hosho; What Azerbaijan is all about”


Noh is the world's oldest form of theater art still being performed with regularity in Japan. But we at the Hosho School of Noh Theater feel that Noh may find an enthused audience overseas. Kazufusa Hosho, the School’s 20th 'Iyemoto (grandmaster)' has performed overseas many times and explains the possibilities and potential of offshore Noh. “Even though Noh is very distinctly Japanese, people here tend to feel that it's too formal or difficult to comprehend and appreciate. Everyone assumes there's a high threshold of cultural intelligence that must be met before they can set foot in a Noh theater. That's simply not the case because everyone is welcome and would benefit from a Noh performance. On the other hand, audiences abroad come to Noh with very little if any, preconceptions. They're open to the experiences and sensations that come with watching Noh and that in turn, may seem to stimulate and enhances the Noh performers. Some of the older generation in Noh are adverse to taking their performances abroad as they feel that a foreign audience wouldn't properly understand it. But I feel differently.”



The grandmaster explained that Noh is an ambient art form - a sensory experience that doesn’t necessarily have to do with the performance unfolding in front of the viewer. “It’s not about being overly impressed or excited. Some Japanese people come to a Noh theater just to unwind and contemplate.”
“I don't want to go into a country with the attitude that we are there to teach people about Japanese culture because they come from a completely different background and language. I prefer to think that we are there to understand them which in turn may create a rapport. The desired outcome is for both parties to meet somewhere in the middle."
The grandmaster has carved out a distinct position for the Hoshos by combining the traditional/hereditary style of his theater school with the mind-set of a startup entrepreneur. He has helmed overseas performances in UAE, Italy, the Vatican and Hong Kong since he took over the Hoshos from his late father in 2008. He lectures on Noh as a visiting professor at the University of Milan and is always open to new opportunities and ideas.


In August 2023, the Hosho School received an invitation from the government in Azerbaijan to perform at the Heydar Aliev Center in the capital city of Baku. Azerbaijan was a first and at this point, enshrouded in mystery.
In ancient times the country had been one of the main commercial hubs of the Silk Road trade. During the 20th century, it had long been under Soviet rule before becoming a sovereign state in 1991. Recently its capital city of Baku was dubbed “the second Dubai” due to the plentiful deposits of oil, gas and minerals. The economy is booming, as attested by the monumental construction projects overlooking the Caspian Sea.

"I am really looking forward to performing in Azerbaijan. Historically and culturally, it's a country that I already feel is a good fit for us.” He added that he was intrigued by the country’s former influential religion of Zoroastrianism.


Zoroastrianism and the traditional gods of Japan share a connection. For example, Anāhitā which in Zoroastriansim is the god of water, traveled the Silk Road and morphed into the Benzaiten which in Japan is the god of wealth and water.
“I was impressed by Azerbaijan’s pride in its natural resources and sheer abundance of natural wonders. This deep regard for nature is something that the Japanese have in common. Also, I learned that in Zoroastrianism there's the notion that good and evil can be interchangeable, and that they're two sides of the same coin. This belief also plays out in Noh. The stories we perform are rarely about good triumphing over evil. Rather, Noh seeks to reveal facets of weakness and vulnerability in people, and to show the sides of evil that are more nuanced than the simple good vs. bad equation. By studying the historical and cultural background of Azerbaijan, I was able to get pointers on how to perform the Noh stories so that we can meet the audience halfway in this journey. This process is extremely important to us.”


And so our tour group, a total of 28 performers and staff gathered at Haneda International Airport on the night of January 30th, 2024 to board a red-eye flight to Baku, Azerbaijan. The flight was long and grueling but the grandmaster was relaxed and in control as was everyone else. The thing about Noh performers: they always maintain a calm exterior. As the grandmaster says, Noh is the art of seeking inner neutrality of thought and emotion. 【Continued on Vol.2】
