【英語ニュース】2021年12月25日|KIDS NEWS LINE|バイリンガルキッズが英語で日本のニュースを毎日配信📰

【 英語ニュース 】 大阪で郵便ポストに現金|カルビーがジャガイモ栽培キットを販売|バイリンガル姉弟が英語で日本のニュースを毎日配信| KIDS NEWS LINE|2021年12月25日

KIDS NEWS LINE|December 25th 2021
8 Years & 6 Years Old Bilingual Kids Broadcast Latest News From Japan.

Today's Topic|今日のトピック
▶︎ Osaka Residents Find Mysterious Cash Gifts In Their Letterboxes

▶︎ Calbee Releases Its Own Potato-Growing Kits

写真出典元/Photo: Japan Today, SORA NEWS 24


8 Years & 6 Years Old Bilingual Kids Broadcast Latest News From Japan.


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====== SCRIPT ======
Welcome back to Kids News Line.
It's Saturday, December 25th. I'm Mia in Tokyo.

In a residential area of Asahi Ward in Osaka City, series of peculiar incidents has been occurring.

Residents have been opening their mailboxes to find envelopes filled with cash. The "mystery money" first appeared at the end of October, when one resident opened an unmarked brown envelope that had been left in their postbox.

Soon after, other residents in the neighborhood began receiving similar brown envelopes, with the surprise cash gifts popping up through November
and December.
According to police, it's perfectly legal for residents to use the money that was given to them without reporting it, but some residents say that although they were grateful for the cash boost, they were uncomfortable about receiving it so reported it to the authorities.

Japanese potato chip maker released potato-growing kits.
Noah will give us more details. Noah?

Hi, I'm Noah
Major snack-maker Calbee has decided to sell kits that make it easy for people of all ages to grow their own potatoes.

One bag contains two seed potatoes to get your garden started. It also comes with soil with fertilizer. It certainly would make for a fun hobby to try
and make some potato chips, literally from the grounds up. Mia?

Thank you, Noah. That is ta Kids News Line for this Saturday.
I'm Mia, Merry Christmas to you.

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