


SoftBank World 2023」内の特別講演で、長崎の地方創生に関わる産学官各界のリーダーが集結し語る「100年に一度の変革期〜長崎が取り組む「地域創生」とは〜」について紹介します。

当イベントは、2023年10月3日(火)~6日(金)にザ・プリンス パークタワー東京で開催されたソフトバンク主催の法人向けイベント「SoftBank World 2023」内で行われた特別講演になります。ヘッダーと記事内の画像は私が現地で撮影したものです。



  1. 100年に一度の変革期を迎える長崎の現在(いま)

  2. 長崎スタジアムシティプロジェクト

  3. 産学官連携

  4. 地域創生最前線


株式会社ジャパネットホールディングス CEO 高田旭人
長崎県知事 大石賢吾
長崎市長 鈴木史郎
長崎大学 学長 永安武
ソフトバンク株式会社 CEO 宮川純一

ソフトバンク株式会社 大曲剛





長崎スタジアムシティプロジェクトを主導する株式会社ジャパネットホールディングス代表取締役社長 兼 CEO 髙田氏より、長崎スタジアムシティプロジェクトについて発表がありました。敷地約7万5千坪平方メートルのスタジアム「PEACE STADIUM Connected by SoftBank」を中心に、多機能アリーナ、ホテル、商業施設、オフィスなどが集まる複合施設で、新しい体験や感動、雇用を生み出すことを目的としています。長崎だけに留まらず、長崎県を地域創生のモデルとするビジョンを描いています。








文部科学省 第1章 なぜ今、オープンイノベーションなのか



・ジャパネットたかた 高田社長「ドリームキラーに勝つ
・長崎県 大石知事「未来大国
・長崎市 鈴木市長「オール長崎
・長崎大学 永安学長「共創
・ソフトバンク株式会社 CEO 宮川純一「デジタル







#DX推進 #地域創生 #IT  #DX #デジタルトランスフォーメーション  #SDGs
#産学官連携 #長崎県 #長崎 #ソフトバンク #Softbank
#ジャパネットたかた #ジャパネット

ChatGPT かMicrosoftのCopilotが生成した翻訳文を載せています。私の方でもわかる範囲で軽くチェックしますが、不自然な部分やミスがありましたらごめんなさい。

AI English below

※This article is intended for those interested in digital transformation and regional revitalization.

This article introduces the special lecture "A Once-in-a-Century Transformation Period: Regional Revitalization Efforts in Nagasaki" at "SoftBank World 2023," featuring leaders from industry, academia, and government who have come together to discuss the transformation of Nagasaki.

The event took place from October 3rd to October 6th, 2023, at The Prince Park Tower Tokyo, as part of SoftBank's corporate event, SoftBank World 2023. This was a special lecture held at the event.

For a report on the previous special lecture by Mr. Masayoshi Son on AI, click here.

Lecture Contents

  • The Current State of Nagasaki in a Once-in-a-Century Transformation Period

  • Nagasaki Stadium City Project

  • Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

  • The Forefront of Regional Revitalization


  • CEO of Japannet Holdings, Mr. Takata Asahito

  • Nagasaki Prefecture Governor, Mr. Kenzo Oishi

  • Mayor of Nagasaki City, Mr. Shiro Suzuki

  • President of Nagasaki University, Mr. Takeyasu Nagayasu

  • CEO of SoftBank Corp., Mr. Junichi Miyakawa

Facilitator from SoftBank Corp., Mr. Tsuyoshi Omachi

  1. Nagasaki's Current State in a Once-in-a-Century Transformation Period

Nagasaki faces challenges but can transform. The city is currently experiencing a "once-in-a-century transformation period" with urban development and shifts to new industries such as the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen and the construction of the Stadium City. To solve this, the promotion of digitalization and DX (Digital Transformation) for regional revitalization is necessary, with participation and technological contributions from private companies expected.

  1. Nagasaki Stadium City Project

Mr. Takata, the CEO of Japannet Holdings, announced the Nagasaki Stadium City project. Centering around the approximately 75,000 tsubo PEACE STADIUM Connected by SoftBank, the project includes a multifunctional arena, hotel, commercial facilities, and offices aimed at creating new experiences, emotions, and employment. The vision extends beyond Nagasaki, setting the prefecture as a model for regional revitalization.

  1. Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

Nagasaki University's President Nagayasu announced the strengthening of industry-academia-government collaboration. The university is participating in the Stadium City project, advancing IT talent development and data utilization. An important focus is future-oriented, co-creation, and digitalization as keywords for regional revitalization, expected to solve local issues while creating a national model.

  1. The Forefront of Regional Revitalization

Mayor Suzuki and Governor Oishi discussed population decline and innovation in solving regional issues through open innovation, emphasizing childcare, drones, remote islands, and online medical consultations.

Open innovation is defined as creating new value through partnerships beyond one's organization, aiming for a win-win relationship among participants.

What are the necessary keywords for advancing regional revitalization?

Speakers announced various keywords deemed necessary for advancing regional revitalization, with a common understanding that "a once-in-a-century crisis is an opportunity."

  • Mr. Takata of Japannet: "Overcoming Dream Killers"

  • Governor Oishi: "Future Superpower"

  • Mayor Suzuki: "All Nagasaki"

  • President Nagayasu of Nagasaki University: "Co-creation"

  • CEO Miyakawa of SoftBank: "Digital"

In summary, having the opportunity to attend the lecture in person, the passion and expressions of the speakers were palpable. The "once-in-a-century transformation period" that Nagasaki Prefecture is facing is not merely a passing phase. It's the beginning of a new chapter where each one of us is a participant in creating the future. The county's sustainable development, technological innovation, and the spirit of co-creation are all driving toward a new era of becoming a model city for regional revitalization.



