
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」05. okujyou jum'v'oyage参

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アザラシA「戸倉さん、たまには気分転換に外にでも行ってみない? 教室ばっかで飽きたし(ミノルを含むアザラシたちを見回しながら)」


アザラシC「うちららしからぬコードーリョクだ。もっともあたしはいつも、外に出よー、って言ってたけどね! ほめてほめて(得意げ、かつ自信ありげな表情で)」

アザラシD「後出し禁止! 私? 今日は体調いいからOK。いい空気吸いたいし、体調悪くなったら保健室で休むし(おやすみー、とおどけながら)」


























「寝るな! こんな晴れた真っ昼間に」










「そういう問題じゃない! 中見るか、フツー」




「馬鹿にすんな! 人の気持ちも知らないで」



































「何で丁寧語? それに私が起こしたんじゃないけれど。起こす必要ってあるの」


「意味分かんない! ていうかわたしは男じゃないっての、ヒロインって言え!」




NEXT: 完全版Full Stories ↓ 屋上版だけOn Rooftop Edition only↓↓

The sunny days are continuing.

Even though it is late fall, there is moderate sunshine, chilly but clear air, and a gentle breeze coming from the hallway.
 The weather has brought a little change to the group. The members of the group who had been saying, "It's been a beautiful day lately, so let's go outside," disappeared from the classroom. What remained were the more indoor-oriented, lethargic, or sleepyheads from each group except the "Hutu" group and the small animal band of the forest.
 I thought to myself, "It wouldn't be a bad idea to try being a seal after all these years. When I turned around, I realized that yes, the seals were in the classroom. I was relieved and started to walk toward the group.
 Then, something unexpected happened.
Seal A said, "Togura-san, why don't you go outside sometime for a change? I'm tired of being in the classroom all the time (while looking around at the seals, including Minoru)."
Seal B: "That sounds good. (looking around at the seals including Minoru) "It would be nice. I'm sure there are at least some benches available. It's a beautiful day and we can relax (puts away the book with the book cover in his bag).
Seal C: "That's an uncharacteristic code word for us. I always said, "Let's go outside! Praise, praise (with a proud and confident expression)"
Seal D: "No second-guessing! Me? I'm feeling good today, so it's OK; I want to breathe good air, and if I get sick, I'll go to the infirmary to rest (with a "good night" look on his face).
 I was puzzled as to what to do, but the words were rushing out first.
I'm sorry guys, I forgot to do my assignment for this afternoon. I'm sorry guys, I forgot to do this afternoon's assignment, I'm in real trouble if I don't. See you later, sorry!
 He grabbed his bag and ran out into the hallway. I almost bumped into a member of the Kijin clan, but I slipped past him. The woodman let out a yelp that he didn't normally use.
 I headed down the hallway. There was only one place to go.
 I put on my loafers, passed the bike yard, and started to think again when I passed through the grassy area. It was going round and round.
 A, you are the leader of the flock, but your ideas are too fickle. How can he lead everyone so randomly? Where is the pride of a seal?
 B. He is not very good at reading the situation. Even outside there is territory. The benches are full and you can't sit on them. I don't mind the grassy field, but you ants don't like it either.
 C, how good are you? You are the most active of all the seals, but I really think, from a seal's point of view, that you should be a little quieter.
 D. You are the same as usual. You're a good seal. But you should try to be more helpful to the other seals. Don't just sleep around.
 And E, me. What are you getting so upset about? I'm just a child, but I'm a child.
 Above all, I'm annoyed that I've thought about it so much and haven't been able to convey a single thing to my friends. The sun is shining and I see the guy in the sky again.
 You're always the worst, you know that? I go round and round.
 From the third floor to the fourth floor. The dozen or so steps it takes to get to the rooftop seem so long. For the first time, I wish I could stay today.
 On the rooftop, Sintoshin was in the distance.

In the middle of the rooftop, Shiki is lying on her back.

 Her eyes were closed and her hands were folded, resting between her waist and chest. It was as if he was asleep.
 Or, more specifically, as if he were dead, though I have yet to see a dead person.
 His expression was too peaceful for that. Or is this what it is like after life actually ends?
 Holding my bag, I approach him. For some reason, I don't make a sound with my footsteps.
 I stand at Shiki's feet. A gentle breeze passes by us, rustling in the wind.
 And then, Shiki's eyes slowly open.
Hello girl, good morning.
 Was she really asleep? I thought she was really asleep, but maybe that was just an act on her part.
It's too late to say good morning, isn't it?
It's still early for me. Good night.
 Wait a minute.
Don't go to bed! It's the middle of the day, a sunny day.
 Shiki opens his eyes. This time it's as quick as a snap.
Oh, yes, I have something to tell you.

I'm not kidding. I knew a girl had to be like this."
 Siki leans over, gives me a thumbs up, and winks at me. I think I see a speech balloon and a line of dialogue, even though I didn't actually say it. Good job! I was flustered for a few words, but then I saw a speech balloon and a line.
I yelled out a few words, flustered, "Screw you!"
I said, "Don't be so flustered. We've taken all the necessary precautions.
I've got it all taken care of! You're not going to look in there, are you?
 Seeing me like that, the rude girl did one more rude thing with a great smile on her face.
She said, "Yeah, yeah, it's cute.
 What a superior attitude, and even if she wasn't, it was irritating.
Don't make fun of me! You don't even know how people feel."
 The gentle breeze suddenly stopped.
 After I said it, I immediately regretted it. It was so uncool, like a child's despair. I couldn't even laugh at the thought, it was just plain lousy.
 Shiki was staring at me. He wasn't hurt by my words, he wasn't upset with me, and he wasn't ignoring me.
 What was he looking at? Not her face, not her eyes, not even her skirt. It was as if we were staring into existence itself.
 Once again, the wind gently slips between us. Shiki opened his mouth.
I certainly don't know how Minoru feels.
 I knew I was alone, I thought.
 I felt that I was alone after all. The black would have looked a little more luxurious if it had been a clear jet black, but it was that color mixed with cheap watercolors that was just not quite right. I just wanted to be empty, and I thought that would make things easier.
But I would like to know how Minoru feels. I don't like the sky, I like high places, I was probably born in Tokyo, I care about my bangs a lot, and other than that..."
 Shiki's hair swayed, and the wind blew a little stronger. The black resignation in my heart is blown away. The wind blew away the black resignation that had been in my heart. My hair shook a little too, so I quickly fixed it with my hand.
I'm not a big guy, you know.
I'm not a big guy," he said. But Minoru is the main character.
What do you mean, I don't understand?
I don't know what you mean," he said. That's what princes do in some stories. It is not limited to sleep, it can also be to wake you up or to make you aware of something. It's the kind of thing a simple but very nice guy would do to save his friend in one story. Or, in another fantasy story, it could be giving names to things that are in trouble.
 I guess I kind of get it, but I don't really understand it. But for some reason, I couldn't get angry or flustered.
 How many times in my life had I been the main character? Maybe I had spent all my time in a supporting role, or maybe I had spent all my time without even being on the stage.
Yes, just in case," Shiki adds.
 Siki added.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm not a princess.
I know. I'm not that stupid. And Siki is surprisingly self-conscious.
Thank you for pointing out the harshness of the situation. But there is a reason why I was sleeping in this position.
 I'm not sure if you want me to listen to you or just say what I'm thinking. In the meantime, I'll take you up on your offer.
What's the reason?
There was once an actress. Every time she got a role, she would give an impassioned performance. Everyone praised her and gave her a standing ovation.
 But she had an unusual hobby. I imitated it."
 The answer raises another question.
Is that what sleeping on rooftops is?
'Not exactly. It's about where you sleep. Not on the roof, not in bed.
Not what?
In a coffin," Shiki says with a mischievous smile.
 I knew she was a girl with no details. There is no coffin on the rooftop.
 I was wondering if Shiki had seen through me, and he called out to me.
Next time," she said, "we can talk about the details. However, if I'm asleep again, please wake me up.
Why are you being so polite? I didn't wake you up. Why do I have to wake you up?
I don't know. But they say that sleeping and dying are quite similar. I do it every day. Maybe next time I won't wake up. If that's the case, I'll be your hero.
I don't understand! I mean, I'm not a man.
  The wind that shook my hair just now is probably passing through the buildings of Sintosin right now. 

(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)
