
Personal Log

Think about better public institution, social impacts, decentralization, distribute, and …







人種差別について行動心理学視点から考える (1)

MotivationなまじScientistとしての教育を受けてしまったせいか、自分の専門外の分野について科学的文献の引用も無しに書くのは気が引ける。ただ、仕事で多少行動心理学(Behaviour Science) の手法について触れる機会があったのでまあ良しとしよう。

Normativeな視座 (should be) から考えると人種差別はあってはならない。個人レベル、社会レベルでも人種、その


Why People Love and Laugh at Takeshi's Castle? (なぜみんなたけし城に爆笑するのか?))

One Fact: everybody, literally everybody around the world, loves Takeshi's Castle. If you are a young Japanese, you may not have seen this. If so, please take a look at this (and laugh!):

I am confid


We Can Teach Him How to Fish Only If He Wants A Fish - From Environmental Perspective - Part 1

An unknown person once said (not Laozi);

"Give a man a fish and you him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

This phrase has become one of the most beloved quotes among


Electric Mobility will come. The Question is How We Can Make the Most of it.

As per the report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), the cost parity between Electric Vehicle (EV) and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle (ICE) will come around 2025-2030. This prediction depends


Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector

What if Artificial Intelligence will replace human in the Public Sector?

Every time I see the organizational and structural constraints in the public sector, I imagine the abovementioned scenario. Th


This Also Changes Everything - The decentralization, distribution, and democratization of Climate Change & Actions

This is my intuition. The upcoming decentralization, distribution, and democratization drove by blockchain technology will change our fight against climate change. Naomi Klein said in her book "This C

Resolution for 2018

Resolution for 2018

I start with the review of 2017. As for the attainment of 2017's resolutions, I barely achieve only Goal I, and it took most of my energy...

Adapting new culture is always tougher than expected. That


A Constraint of the Aid-Business Model: Whose Need First?

I have moved to UN from the private sector and I have found many things I like, and I don't like. But instead of nagging unconstructively, I will seek how we can improve the process of the internation
