
My experiences in NZ #16

Hello, there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

I wrote about the weekend experience yesterday, talking about the weekends; parties at my homestay were held almost every weekend.

I was excited about it for the first time since I imagined the “general home party” I saw in the movies, but it was far from them.
How can I explain?
If I explain in one word, it was “nightclub” or “disco!”
Holy cow!

There were a lot of dressed-up teenagers; they were the second and third daughters’ friends and their friends or boyfriends.
I hadn’t tried to count the number of them, but probably there might be more than thirty teenagers!

They drank alcohol, smoked, and danced to loud music.
As I wrote in my previous blog, my room was in the basement, and then I couldn’t sleep due to loud music and their footsteps.
It was chaos!

One night, I was in my room, and about sleeping, someone tried to open my room door; I was frightened and said to him, “Who’s that?” he said, “Oh, sorry, I’m just looking for the restroom.”
I was relieved, but my heart beating continued for a while.

It happened because some beds were on the same floor as mine, so they were allowed to sleep there.
After this experience, on the party night, I went out or locked my room door and put a chair in front of the door before going to bed.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.

