
My experiences in NZ #37

Hello there. It has already been more than ten days since I wrote last time. Time flies!

In my previous posts, I wrote about my daily dietary habits in NZ.

I’ll write about luxury items today.
What do you imagine hearing about a luxury item? In my opinion, these are alcohol, cigarettes, sometimes including coffee or tea.

When I was in NZ about 25 years ago, cigarettes were expensive. It costs about 1,700 JP yen a box of 20 cigarettes. I heard that it was to keep teenagers from smoking.

On the other hand, since cigarettes were expensive, they tended to smoke marijuana. The smoke of marijuana smelled sweet, like chocolate.

I had experienced smelling similar smoke, but I can’t recall the product name of the cigarette. However, if I smell it now, I’m sure I can distinguish it because I have an excellent sense of smell, like dogs.

I’m curious about how much cigarettes cost nowadays in NZ. If someone knows that, please let me know.

That’s all for today, and to be next time. See you around.
