
I’ll become an “interrupter”

Hey there. How’s it going? Gentle Gian is here.

Today, I’d love to share the funny episode from the online English lesson I had with my favorite teacher, N, with you.

I told her my story: The other day, I had a phone call but couldn’t answer, so I called back.
The call was from our local government.
I had registered to volunteer a while ago, and they were supposed to request me to volunteer.
However, I didn’t answer the phone call; another person who received the call after me accepted the application.

If I could answer the call and accept it, it would be my first experience as a volunteer.
It was a shame!

Back to the title, the details of the volunteer was an “interpreter,” but I said “interrupter” to teacher N during our conversation.

Interrupt? Yes, to disturb.
I’m sometimes confused “interpreter” and “interrupter.”
On this occasion, I decided to be a professional “interrupter.”
The word “interrupter” doesn’t exist, just in case.

That’s all for today. See you around.

