
Green Cardamom

カルダモンをビスケットに加える直前に、カルダモンを砕いてビスケットを作ることで、カルダモンの素晴らしい香りを最大限に引き出します。Bringing the wonderful scent of cardamom out to its fullest by making biscuits with cardamom crushed just before adding it to the biscuits.

Known for its splendid scent that is popular in many cuisines, cardamom is an essential spice for many recipes including curries and snacks, as well as spice teas.

For now, I am thinking about what ways I could try out would bring the delicate taste and scent of cardamom forward in a way that would accentuate the essence of cardamom more.
When I reach the recipe, I would write a little about it in a future post.
今のところ、カルダモンのエッセンスをさらに際立たせる方法で、カルダモンの繊細な味と香りを前面に出す方法を考えています。 レシピにたどり着いたら、今後の投稿で少し書きたいと思います。

This time, through the biscuits, I was reminded of how well almonds compliments cardamom when these two tastes are combined.
I think cardamom is very well suited with rounder tastes like that of almonds when the cardamom is meant to be brought forward.

Writing while the sound of the season's raindrops falling on the town gently echo makes it seem as though a rainy day is not a bad day.
(However, it is a different story from cold weather!)
街に降り注ぐ季節の雨滴の音がやさしく響き渡る中、雨の日は悪くない日だと思わせてくれます。 (ただし、寒い日とは話が違います!)




